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Who would you like to see win the 2016 US election?

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The New York Daily News has written a very compelling editorial endorsing Hillary Clinton:
"Damn Right We're With Her!!!". With the US Presidential Election two days away (11/8)
can HC keep her lead?

There are many - me included - that want to put this election behind us and wish the choices of
the two major parties was better instead of having to choose between the lesser of two evils as been mentioned...

I thought about a older couple (similar to Archie and Edith Bunker played by Carroll O'Connor and Jean Stapleton in "All in the Family") using this opening music lyric today instead:
"Mister we could use a man like John F. Kennedy again!"

Of all the US Presidents of my lifetime (this was before I was even school age) JFK stands out as to me the most interesting - I can not but wonder what could have been had he not been assassinated in November 1963...

The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis stands out as one of his finest moments - but there were
troubles then such as conflicts of the Vietnam War and the failed Bay of Pigs invasion.

I am one that believes in the "Kennedy Curse" since JFK"s (and RFK's assassination during
the 1968 Presidential Campaign) death but to me the most shocking was John Kennedy,Jr's
death in the Summer of 1999 in a plane crash off of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts.
JFK Jr. and me were the same age.

Thoughts and memories from Long Island Mike
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FBI releases another (late) November surprise:

Breaking - new letter from FBI Director Comey says conclusions re Clinton server from July have not changed...

Emails were mostly personal or duplicates of what had already been investigated.
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Assuming that he was not a dual citizen, it is weird to hear about a Canadian Trump supporter saying stuff like "Bring our Jobs Back" while assaulting others who may be his or her own countryman (I can't tell based on the article), and talking as if the US and Canada were synonymous. If he were an American temporarily here (though based on the Star describing him as a Canadian student probably not as it implies residency if not citizenship), then an added irony is he'd just be an international student too on a visa just like all the other "foreigners".

When I studied at a US university during the time Obama got elected, I was pretty enthusiastic and political and had tons of political conversations with my American friends but I never forgot in the back of my mind that I was still an outsider and though I had strong opinions of my own, since I was not a citizen their politics was ultimately their own to decide.
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Assuming that he was not a dual citizen, it is weird to hear about a Canadian Trump supporter saying stuff like "Bring our Jobs Back" while assaulting others who may be his or her own countryman (I can't tell based on the article), and talking as if the US and Canada were synonymous. If he were an American temporarily here (though based on the Star describing him as a Canadian student probably not as it implies residency if not citizenship), then an added irony is he'd just be an international student too on a visa just like all the other "foreigners".

When I studied at a US university during the time Obama got elected, I was pretty enthusiastic and political and had tons of political conversations with my American friends but I never forgot in the back of my mind that I was still an outsider and though I had strong opinions of my own, since I was not a citizen their politics was ultimately their own to decide.

I find that DT seem to be a creep-magnet on this side of the border - partly because opinion against him is so much more one-sided here.

I kind of feel sorry for the Americans. We in Canada had 2 excellent candidates in the last election. Good orators, highly professional, hard working, intelligent and wise.

The US, not so much.
My prediction: HRC wins with 333 electoral votes, taking Florida, North Carolina and pulling an upset in Arizona. Trump takes Ohio, Iowa and Maine-2.
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