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Who Will Challenge Rob Ford?

nfitz, I agree with you on the right-wing challenger. I think that many of Ford's current supporters will want to distance themselves when Torontonians will be feeling the negative effects of Ford's hard headed policies. I've thought of possibly Michael Thompson (trying to align with Ford, he hasn't been himself lately) but even John Tory could pull it off, although it seems like he's finished with politics after turning down to run in a pretty safe bet last election.

Nonetheless, I'm willing to bet that this will be Shelly Carroll's opportunity and she will take it. She nearly ran in the last election and she is now the most connected and experienced progressive on council.

I'm still waiting for an outsider to come forward...
Are there any provincial Liberals who would run if they lost their seats in the election this fall? I'm sure Glen Murray would run, but it's very unlikely he will lose.
Are there any provincial Liberals who would run if they lost their seats in the election this fall? I'm sure Glen Murray would run, but it's very unlikely he will lose.

Excellent point. I fear a lot of Liberals will be looking for a job after October. Some of them will want to remain in politics and even though it'll be 3 years away, the municipal election will be the closest one (should Hudak get a majority).
Nonetheless, I'm willing to bet that this will be Shelly Carroll's opportunity and she will take it. She nearly ran in the last election and she is now the most connected and experienced progressive on council.
If you buy that concocted story about waiting to be asked to run, then yes, she almost ran.
GraphicMatt said:
Re: Miller
He got a rough ride at the end there, particularly from the Toronto Star. I never understood why.

I think it is pretty obvious why, considering the first declared candidate's intentions were well known well-in-advance of him declaring.

There's a good chance of this, yeah. I'd think federal.

If he hadn't flamed so badly he'd likely be the NDP candidate in Davenport for Oct 2011.
I doubt Miller will come back. He made it very clear that he's done with municipal politics, probably politics altogether.

Is he?

I got the idea he was done with it due to his family...I never got the impression he'd given up the possibility for good.
^^ That naive? He was done because he was going to lose an election by a landslide. Between Smitherman and Miller splitting the centre/left, Ford would have had the exact same amount of votes if not more. He's teaching at some NY community college. Professor of urban something. Problem with Miller was he never understood scarcity. Like it or not, many Torontonians are not living 'comfortably' with a dual income of 140k/house paid for by heredity/union job/social housing. He had substantial tax increases (combine all the peripheral fees tacked on) during a time where people where laid off and receiving pay cuts, and after a pointless 40 day charade of a strike and still giving in to union demands, people voted for Ford as much out of 'spite'. who knew Ford would be so police union friendly?!

A sure way to ensure a 2nd term of Ford is for the NDP to run another one of their cronies up there...
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If we had a vote today I am quite sure MILLER in a heads up race with Ford would win. In fact some people thought if Miller had entered late into the election he might have been competitive. However now after Ford promising No cuts, but now cutting, after promising No tax increases, contemplating 3% increase, and promising to reduce spending, not going to happen according to KPMG, everything people voted for isnt going to happen under Ford, plus the optics of DOUG Ford actually being Mayor, people must be thinking this is NOT what I signed up for. Of course theyre some die hard supporters, but alot of FORD supporters were people who were just MAD at Miller and wanted to punish him. These people from what I can see, are now MAD at themselves for voting in someone just out of spite.
If we had a vote today I am quite sure MILLER in a heads up race with Ford would win. In fact some people thought if Miller had entered late into the election he might have been competitive. However now after Ford promising No cuts, but now cutting, after promising No tax increases, contemplating 3% increase, and promising to reduce spending, not going to happen according to KPMG, everything people voted for isnt going to happen under Ford, plus the optics of DOUG Ford actually being Mayor, people must be thinking this is NOT what I signed up for. Of course theyre some die hard supporters, but alot of FORD supporters were people who were just MAD at Miller and wanted to punish him. These people from what I can see, are now MAD at themselves for voting in someone just out of spite.

Love this!

I follow Miller's Twitter feed and people routinely ask him to come back. He appears to be done with politics entirely. Watching everything you've worked for the last 7 years be completely undone in months must be really discouraging. If Miller returned, he'd spend his next 2 terms fixing what Rob Ford broke just to get to where he was at the end of his first 2 terms. I doubt he'll run again.

Giambrone is kind of tainted by his time at the TTC and for being a sissy and dropping out of the race but I believe he's going to run again, maybe as soon as the next election. Shelley Carroll is still my top bet and I'm confident she could beat Ford.
Love this!

I follow Miller's Twitter feed and people routinely ask him to come back. He appears to be done with politics entirely. Watching everything you've worked for the last 7 years be completely undone in months must be really discouraging. If Miller returned, he'd spend his next 2 terms fixing what Rob Ford broke just to get to where he was at the end of his first 2 terms. I doubt he'll run again.

Giambrone is kind of tainted by his time at the TTC and for being a sissy and dropping out of the race but I believe he's going to run again, maybe as soon as the next election. Shelley Carroll is still my top bet and I'm confident she could beat Ford.

The middle and left have to really watch it, and they must come to accord with one another, and field one candidate, rather than divide spoils of course. This in the event that Ford doesn't end up being his own worst enemy which is strong possibility.

I am pretty sure Miller will keep out of it. But I too think of how he must be feeling these days.

Adam G? I don't know, let's see how that goes. I didn't slight him for his ways (no one did, that I know, actually) but I found him to be a weak candidate in many respects. Time away from politics can only hurt him.
^^ That naive? He was done because he was going to lose an election by a landslide. Between Smitherman and Miller splitting the centre/left, Ford would have had the exact same amount of votes if not more. He's teaching at some NY community college. Professor of urban something. Problem with Miller was he never understood scarcity. Like it or not, many Torontonians are not living 'comfortably' with a dual income of 140k/house paid for by heredity/union job/social housing. He had substantial tax increases (combine all the peripheral fees tacked on) during a time where people where laid off and receiving pay cuts, and after a pointless 40 day charade of a strike and still giving in to union demands, people voted for Ford as much out of 'spite'. who knew Ford would be so police union friendly?!

A sure way to ensure a 2nd term of Ford is for the NDP to run another one of their cronies up there...
Nope, the polls showed just the opposite. Miller would have won handily if he had run again.
I was no big fan of Miller's, but now I'm starting to miss him. Although I still don't miss Giambrone.
