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News   Sep 06, 2024
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Wheelchair/Stroller accessible TTC street cars

The low floor buses seem to be encouraging super-size strollers these days, which are horrible for passenger circulation as soon as you get more than one on a bus. I remember the days when only smaller, folding strollers were allowed on transit.
the umbrella strollers are completely useless if you have more than one kid + groceries and even more useless in Winter, the tiny wheels get stuck in the snow..
The question is, where do you draw the line. What about people with 3 kids? Wheels aren't that tiny unless you get the $25 ones - though the wheels on my Honda Civic kept getting caught in the snow this winter - I wonder if I should get that on a streetcar?
The question is, where do you draw the line. What about people with 3 kids?

All in a stroller? Doesn't happen much. When it does, you try and make do.

Wheels aren't that tiny unless you get the $25 ones - though the wheels on my Honda Civic kept getting caught in the snow this winter - I wonder if I should get that on a streetcar?

Good news. Your Civic don't need the streetcar. There's this road network. Runs all over Toronto. They built it, and your Civic, for just the sort of thing you have in mind. Motoring around town.

It's already hard enough to try and opt for public transit over private car with small kids. Unless your goal is to stream an even higher proportion of parents with small kids into cars, adding hostility to the mix really isn't helpful.
Thanks Disparishun :)]

Looks like mentioning strollers in the same sentense as accessible streetcars gives many people a mental hickup... I'll do what I have to do to avoid using a car, why use a car at all if you live in a city anyway unless you need to do some major shopping or do some serious commuting, aren't we all trying to be environmentally consious? I can easily get on the streetcar if they remove that stupid pole, but nevermind that.

Wheelchair accessible streetcars, can't wait :D

Thanks for the info BTW

P.S. nfItz, you need snow tires
P.S. nfItz, you need snow tires
Might have got some, had I realised there would actually be snow this year, and that the alley I park in slopes uphill and turns to ice - on the other hand actually trying to shovel the snow might also be an option. Hardly seems worth the trouble for the half-dozen time the car has come out since New Years.

But to get back on topic - really, if there's 2 kids, or 3 kids, then we are talking a minimum of 3-4 people in the car. If all the cars on the road had 3-4 people, we wouldn't have congestion!

Though that doesn't answer the question of what people with multiple babies and needing to use public transit do.
Might have got some, had I realised there would actually be snow this year, and that the alley I park in slopes uphill and turns to ice - on the other hand actually trying to shovel the snow might also be an option. Hardly seems worth the trouble for the half-dozen time the car has come out since New Years.

more reasons why i like condo lifestyle... underground parking (rarely use the car because can easily take transit to work), no shoveling :)
Though that doesn't answer the question of what people with multiple babies and needing to use public transit do.

If you're back to your 3 kids in a stroller scenario -- look, at least the oldest of them is more than likely old enough to walk. If you had them all so close together that that's not the case, and especially if it's just you with no other parent, then you are just not taking the streetcar with them.
