The TTC is getting this. PRESTO Cards are to be rolled out extensively, it has already begun. Full implementation should be done by 2011 on non-TTC systems, and limited TTC.
Shortly thereafter, the whole TTC. It will work on GO/TTC/YRT/Viva/DurhamMississauga/Brampton/Oakville/Burlington and Hamilton Transit.
Link is here.
Shortly thereafter? It would be a miracle if it's fully implemented throughout TTC even 5 years later, if not a decade. But, better late than never (20 years after HK; 15 years after London, Singapore, and most of Japan; 10 years after Boston; etc), and we will probably still be ahead of NYC, if that's any consolation.
Platform edge doors require automatic train control. This is coming too. The TTC has begun converting the Yonge Subway to ATC; Sheppard is already ready. There is no approval for the doors yet; and they probably have to wait until a downtown relief line is built as they actually do reduce capacity slightly.
But keep in mind this is not cheap, we need to prioritize. Full ATC and platform edge doors in all subway stations is $1-2B(illion)
ATC is coming for multiple reasons regardless of PED/PSD, so it's not useful to conflate their costs. Also, as discussed previously in
this thread, there are ways to decrease the cost (eg by installing half-height PED rather than full-height PSD), and from other cities' experience even full-height PSD is not as expensive as the numbers coming from TTC. And what does the DRL have to do with PSDs in the rest of the system?
Don't just compare the TTC with the biggest, most successful system though.
MTR is hardly the biggest and most successful system.
Re: Banks ranking
According to a
report in March by Bloomberg, the 4 biggest banks in Canada by asset climbed to positions 7-10 among
North American banks. However, internationally, Canadian banks are still far from the top, let alone "3 within the top 15". According to the
March FT Global 500, all of Big 5 are in the world's top 50 banks by market capitalization, with the top one, RBC, at #11, followed by TD at #20 and Scotia at #26. In terms of total asset, as of
last month, the only Canadian bank in the top 50 is RBC, at #43.