I walked by there today. They're at ground level, and as well, the base of Verve's crane (the one for the tower, not the midrise) has been poured. So soon there'll be three cranes swinging on that block.
the fact that there is non-market built ANYWHERE is a miracle so we don't need to lament that fact that is it is being built. A mix of market and non-market is the way to go.
what do i do so that i can move in? best use of Aa yellow brick+glass to date! That's something I've always wondered--how do I move into subsidized housing? I mean I'm unemployed, have no hope of ever getting a job and am pretty lazy....
Fife House will operate 56 of the apartments for people living with HIV/AIDS. WoodGreen Supportive Housing will operate the other 56 apartments for seniors. So if you belong to either of those groups you are eligible.
^You're not the first person who asked if i'm on drugs Many of my former co-workers wondered if I was an addict cause i always had wacky things to say and chatted and was hilarious and had little "stories" to tell. Nah, like Caltrane (if i recall correctly) I'm your typical optimistic hyper active childish sagittarian...dreamer
I like old people--they paid for the sidewalks I walk on.