It's confusing because a) CN has their own police force, so the task of clearing a blockade would logically fall on their shoulders - but their police force is small and likely never trained for that kind of work and b) Minister Garneau was quoted in the press today as saying that policing blockades is a provincial matter and it falls on the provincial police to handle.
Personally, I think that giving the protesters a huge PR win by having a direct confrontation with the Police, which would be immediately circulated around the world and leave toxic symbols for years to come, would be a foolish step. And CN, while having the legal high ground in the form of injunctions, is not well served by tempting blockaders to find another location and start over. There are thousands of miles of right of way, and almost all of them are a potential pinch point.
Which makes one ask what other levers might be deployed. There likely are some, but every action has a reaction. I do think we are seeing the opening moves in a national chess game. A move only has meaning in relation to the overall game.
- Paul