"The circumstances under which the USA would EVER use nuclear force again are extremely limited (ie, if attacked itself with nuclear weapons). Why? Because, believe it or not, the American foreign policy establishment, at least when it comes to nuclear issues, are just as appreciative, if not more, of the unacceptable risks and consequences of such use as any of us is. If you look back at the documents associated with post-WWII nuclear policy (the political documents, not strategic plans like SIOP-62 drawn up by the military), what will strike you is the theme that American politicians essentially saw nukes as unusable--paralyzingly so, in fact."
That's probably all true, but the key words above are, "If you look back". It's very likely still true that the "foreign policy establishment" in the US still thinks the same way, but the current neocon leadership does not appear to. What do you think things like the proposed nuclear 'bunker-buster' or 'mini-nuke' are all about? They want to use them. Or more specifically, they want to demonstrate that they are not afraid to, even when not attacked with one. They want to illustrate their indisputable global hegemony in the most graphic terms possible. They want to firmly close the door on the cold war chapter and clearly declare a completely new era and order. They believe that this is a unique moment presenting them with a chance to establish permanent, unrivaled rule of literally the entire planet. So many people still just don't appreciate how extraordinarily radical, ambitious and revolutionary this gang is - they are genuine ****ing lunatic extremists who mean what they say and will do as they claim. The big question is, will the "foreign policy establishment" and the military let them have their cake or not. I just don't know, but I fear that the conditions will arise in the very near future which will prove one of us right. I really, really, really hope it's you, but I suspect and dread that it'll be me.