Upside Down + Fuse Condos (Channington/Brownstone, 14s x2, 26s x2, Burka)

I put down an offer on a unit but I'm just really concerned about 1011 Landsdowne. I know the area is being revitalized and it could be like a Liberty Village story, where it went from a badly designed/industrial area to a hip new part of Toronto, but Liberty Village -from my understanding- never had a "notorious" rental apartment with a super sketchy landlord and tenants. If it stays on that corner, and it will never be demolished, won't it hurt property value?

Anyway I am still in my "cooling off" period and mulling over this and whether I should rescind or go with it.

Also, where exactly will phase 1 be? From my understanding of what the reps told me is that it will be on this side:,177.02,,0,-8.54 (google streetview)

Hi Nifty,

Well your concern is my concern in regards to 1011 Lansdowne, I have lived in the area now going on 3 years and it has changed very little. But there has been a very strong police presence in the area, and I have done some research on 1011 and have found that the city is well aware of the on going issues. The residents in the surrounding area are also concerned and with pressure mounting from residents there has been some changes. If there is a will there will be change but it takes everyone to voice the more people we have calling the city council (Adam G.) the more they will listen.....with the new development on the south and north corners that building will change I am very sure of it (but I wish it would just implode).

As for demolishing not it would not hurt property value becuase a condo will most likely be built there in its place. Just do not hold your breath on it though!

Phase 1 will be Electric City and phase 2 will be the adjacent building....right now the Brownstones on the Park is also being sold and is reaching there will be great change by the time 2011 comes around....I can see phase 2 being sold soon also as it would make sense to build both buildings at once....but that’s just my opinion...

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18 October 2009 photo update

Is phase 2 retaining the nice brick warehouse where the sales centre is located? I bloody hope so!

Finally got myself into the sales office for Electric City/Upsidedown Condos ... can't say I'm particularly impressed by the location given proximity to both a CN Rail and a CP Rail, which equates to a lot of train noises ... but given the affordable pricing, it is a good starter home with average finishes for a first time home buyer :)

Unfortunately no cameras were allowed in the sales office, so no photos to share here ... what would have been great photos is the Community Masterplan's model showing where all the buildings in relationship to one another ... in a best attempt, I've drawn up the below sketch to illustrate the neighbourhood plan:

Community Masterplan
Click to Enlarge

In this project, there are 7 towers proposed:
  • Electric City 1 @ 14 storeys
  • Electric City 2 @ 14 Storeys, to be located south of EC1
  • 2x 27 storeys tower atop a heritage podium (to be located at northwest corner of Dupont+Lansdowne where sales office is), staff notes the existing heritage industrial building would be retrofitted for a grocery store
  • 3x 27 storeys towers north of the CP Rail

Based on staff's info that the industrial building is planned to be preserved + retrofitted, that should relief UD's concerns ~
Is phase 2 retaining the nice brick warehouse where the sales centre is located? I bloody hope so!


Haha I bloody hope so too. It just looks too cool to tear down.

I think part of the problem in this area is the police. A few nights ago I was driving home and a guy was being arrested right by the doorway there in that photo, by two cops on bicycles. Now how are they going to take him anywhere on their bikes? They really need a basket in the front or a second seat in the back to avoid this problem. :D
Solaris, I don't really notice the trains there anymore. It's really just the GO train because it flies by, while the freight trains travel a bit faster than walking speed.
Solaris, I don't really notice the trains there anymore. It's really just the GO train because it flies by, while the freight trains travel a bit faster than walking speed.

Has anyone noticed the freight trains that run East-West, there is one spot on the tracks that when the train passes over is very loud? I live 2 blocks away...but I really feel sorry for the residents who live in that area......must be hard to get a good night sleep!

Also I can still hear the pounding from the Junction (CN Line)........they where supposed to use some different machines to minimize the vibration and pounding, also change the hours of construction.
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Well here it is Phase II...............

I was sent this it looks as though they would like to build the two 14 story buildings at the same time.....and makes sence.

You are invited to a Sneak Peek opportunity of Phase 2 before we open to the public. As this is a "by invitation only" opportunity, please call 416 XXX.XXXX ASAP to book your appointment for Saturday Nov 28 or Sunday, Nov 29.

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Has anyone noticed the freight trains that run East-West, there is one spot on the tracks that when the train passes over is very loud? I live 2 blocks away...but I really feel sorry for the residents who live in that area......must be hard to get a good night sleep!

Also I can still hear the pounding from the Junction (CN Line)........they where supposed to use some different machines to minimize the vibration and pounding, also change the hours of construction.

That will disappear once the grade separation take place.

Once again, RR where there long before people move into the area or born and they had the choice to deal with the trains or live some where else. That area was industrial, not residental in the first place.

You have the same problem over by TTC Kipling station where the subway was built before any apartments or condo's where built and now the residents are complaining about the crossovers.

People need to check out the area within in a km of where they want to live to see what there and is it going to interfere with their life style or pleasure. If so, they need to look elsewhere. Developers don't always supply the real picture what is around the development. They need to check the area on weekday to see what the traffic is like as it a lot different on a Sunday or weekend than the week days.

As for the GO mess at the Junction, that GO doing their own thing the wrong way and lacking vision. They need a good kick in the ass for doing this.
Since the area is becoming residential and even in mixed used areas, residents definitely have the right to complain, being taxpayers who constitute population growth to the city and who are providing boosts of vitality to neighbourhoods. If technology exists to mitigate noise and make a lot of areas more pleasant and viable, then I'm all for it.

Our governments tend to try to get away with the bare minimum in noise mitigation and the attitude is always "live somewhere else". But living choices are actually limited and areas of intensification are generally near noise sources like subways, streetcars, railways, and commercial areas, unless most people opt to live in a really isolated area on the periphery. That's counter to government goals of decreasing sprawl and congestion.

I believe that an attitude shift must take place, that important urban goals should be to identify all sources of noise across entire cities where people live and plan on mitigating them in the long-term rather than brushing off complaints. EU cities are now required to do noise mapping with the long term goals of addressing noise pollution.
City Planning Request for Directions Report

Given the dated age of this application, it took me a while to find the report embedded within Commitee+Council Minutes ... potential purchasers should consider this background information ~

Since this report dates back to 2004 before City Clerks scanned attachments, I went through archives to obtain these drawings ... the Site Plan and Perspective give an idea on how Electric City 1+2 will sit on the site since the presentation materials does not show a "overall community plan" (the design has been changed a little bit but the concept remains similar)

Click to Enlarge
Thanks for all the updates and research everyone!

Any word on cost of units in phase 2? I'm assuming they've upped them a bit. Also, will the floorplans be the same?
Thanks for all the updates and research everyone!

Any word on cost of units in phase 2? I'm assuming they've upped them a bit. Also, will the floorplans be the same?

I have made an appointment with a friend so he can look at phase 2, and I talked to Amy the sales rep. she did mention to me the prices will be the same, as some of the same model of units will be the same in the new building.
I was told to base the square foot at 325.00..when I do go to see phase 2 I will post the info that I get from that meeting.

She also did mention to me they wanted to construct both buildings at the same time as it would save in costs for the a previous post I think I guessed at this. The property is now staked out for the boundaries for both I am guessing that they are expecting it to in sales.

Have a look at the new website for Upsidedown, it is posted the sales percentage is 75% of phase 1.
Saw an add for this in metro this morning. Looks like they have completely dropped the Electric City marketing - no mention of this!

Of note it said New Designs for phase Two. Rikk, when you go try to get the new floor plans. It would be interesting to see which ones they're keeping and what's new.
Myself and couple buddies will be there on the weekend looking at the condos. We;re all in the mid 20's and looking at it for some rental income. Seems like good value to me!
