Solid Snake
Active Member
But Fairview to the zoo looks nicer on a map.
Sure but that's "gravy"...Nothing a bus from STC can't handle
But Fairview to the zoo looks nicer on a map.
More people goes to STC from Don Mills than the zoo last time I checked
Sure but that's "gravy"...Nothing a bus from STC can't handle
That is true but the zoo is a single stop on a line. One thing that is for certain is that the ridership numbers on the 190 bus route isn't very impressive while the 85 is packed. Considering the 85 replicates what the LRT would do more closely (more stops and long route to the zoo) and the 190 bus route replicates what the subway would do more closely (express limited stops to STC) it doesn't seem that great that there isn't enough demand to make the service more frequent. In fact they are reducing the service level slightly.
Which is why they aren't planning to go to the zoo (despite the endless requests from a couple of councillors to extend the route), and also why you'll be able to change from the SRT to the SELRT if you want, to travel from STC to Don Mills.More people goes to STC from Don Mills than the zoo last time I checked
That is true but the zoo is a single stop on a line. One thing that is for certain is that the ridership numbers on the 190 bus route isn't very impressive while the 85 is packed. Considering the 85 replicates what the LRT would do more closely (more stops and long route to the zoo) and the 190 bus route replicates what the subway would do more closely (express limited stops to STC) it doesn't seem that great that there isn't enough demand to make the service more frequent. In fact they are reducing the service level slightly.
It'd be very similar to C-train. Add some pedestrian bridges and we're all set (and maybe add some elevated sections at arterial intersections)
That is true but the zoo is a single stop on a line. One thing that is for certain is that the ridership numbers on the 190 bus route isn't very impressive while the 85 is packed. Considering the 85 replicates what the LRT would do more closely (more stops and long route to the zoo) and the 190 bus route replicates what the subway would do more closely (express limited stops to STC) it doesn't seem that great that there isn't enough demand to make the service more frequent. In fact they are reducing the service level slightly.
Good point, but here is another spin. Buses 85 and 190 run together on Sheppard, until 190 diverts south. So, the subway should ideally go to the Agincourt GO station, and replace both 85 and 190 (there will be a 85 branch for local service between Yonge and Agincourt, but the bulk of riders will use subway).
There is no need to extend the subway from Agincourt to STC. A shortened 190 will connect those two points (or it can be combined with bus 38 to provide a transfer-free ride from the subway to UTSC). A shortened 85 will continue to serve Sheppard, and can be improved by building BRT (it is unlikely that LRT will be warranted for the rest of Sheppard).
In the longer term, an LRT line that connects Agincourt subway / GO, STC, and UTSC can be added. That LRT would run in the middle of Sheppard for a short distance, then turn south on Midland or Brimley, join the SLRT tracks to serve STC, then split off and continue in the middle of Ellesmere to UTSC, and possibly even further as Durham's Hwy 2 LRT.
But you're right, if the SELRT had included a branch to STC, I think it would be getting a lot less criticism. But alas, it doesn't, nor will it likely ever. So in that case, bring on another solution that does.
The plan for the SRT replacement, as passed by council last week, now includes taking the line to Sheppard just east of Markham Rd, creating a connection to STC. For riders going between NYCC and STC, McCowan would have been more direct. However existing right-of-ways and the McCowan car yard moved the nortbound turn further east. At least the connection will be there. There are pictures of how the SELRT and SRT will intersect in pages 11 and 14 of the SRT replacement Environmental Project Report – August 2010 excutive summary.
Frankly, I don't think such an indirect trip between NYCC and STC, with a transfer as far east as Markham Rd, will be used by anyone. If they choose LRT on Sheppard rather than a subway extension, then they should either build a branch of LRT that goes directly to STC, or retain the direct 190 express bus (perhaps reroute it via Ellesmere, if there is no room for bus left on Sheppard).
The connection from Agincourt to STC is so short and yet best served by subway because the short diagonal distance cannot be replicated with an LRT. Not to mention the traffic impact that the STC will have on the route...