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TTC: Other Items (catch all)

Using traffic law enforcement as a comparison, police have always had the discretion to warn or charge, but 'back in the day', if you received a warning, it went in the officer's notebook and that was the end of it. Every encounter was a roll of the dice. Now in the days of distributed data (assuming TPS does this), the officer can enter the warning into the system so it is available to all. Many are still simply 'don't do it again'. My point was that a database of transit users might not sit well with many.

The concept of sliding fines WRT to income or net worth is interesting and used in some countries. I'm not sure how it work (or does work in those countries that use it) with set fines issued on the spot ('sir, iI need to see some identification and your last CRA Notice of Assessment'). It would be interesting how it would fit into the Equity principle of the Charter - equity being a matter of interpretation.
The concept of sliding fines WRT to income or net worth is interesting and used in some countries. I'm not sure how it work (or does work in those countries that use it) with set fines issued on the spot ('sir, iI need to see some identification and your last CRA Notice of Assessment'). It would be interesting how it would fit into the Equity principle of the Charter - equity being a matter of interpretation.

You are not fined to a specific amount by police directly - but to a certain number of "day-fines" - income/day. As to the matter of equity - it would be interesting to see how one can argue fines levied independent of financial means is actually supportive of equity and deterrence goals. The current system is pretty indefensible in that regard, other than in a simplistic "everyone is treated [superficially] equally" quib.

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They’d be better off shortening Lower Bay so there’s more space for the tracks to turn south for a new Bay Street line running next to the Yonge Line for relief.

You are not fined to a specific amount by police directly - but to a certain number of "day-fines" - income/day. As to the matter of equity - it would be interesting to see how one can argue fines levied independent of financial means is actually supportive of equity and deterrence goals. The current system is pretty indefensible in that regard, other than in a simplistic "everyone is treated [superficially] equally" quib.


I realize it is just a Wiki summary, but in the Finnish example, they cite that 'petty infractions' (where fare evasion would arguably fall) are handled via fixed fines, much like our provincial offences infraction system. It's hard to draw a direct comparison because the legal systems are probably widely different, but it seems the day-fine determination is handled in court, and I'm not sure we would want every provincial offences infraction going to court.

The concept of "equity" would depend on how the Supreme Court interprets Section 15 of the Charter in relation to an income-based penalty:

  • 15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

  • (2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
I wouldn't pretend to speculate how that would go.
I honestly dont get why some people are so incensed by fines for essentially trespassing or breaking and entering. Just dont do it. If you get caught you pay. If the fine is too high, go to court and ask for a reduction. Unless youre a serial offender its almost always granted. Theres a reason why they set the fines as they do. Its obviously much easier here to sneak in vs waterloo or oakville transits so they need to have some means of deterring.

It was a piece of the trolley. Why are they still using the trolleys and not the pantographs? Should be all pantographs by now.


Don't waste resources on putting up netting. Just switch to pantographs.

It was a piece of the trolley. Why are they still using the trolleys and not the pantographs? Should be all pantographs by now.

Don't waste resources on putting up netting. Just switch to pantographs.

They are still not done converting all lines... typical speed of ttc.
It was a piece of the trolley. Why are they still using the trolleys and not the pantographs? Should be all pantographs by now.


Don't waste resources on putting up netting. Just switch to pantographs.

Until all lines are Pan Ready, have to use the Pole. Going to be another 15 months or more before this area is full pan.

I stand to be corrected, the Roncesvalles yard entrance still has to be rebuilt that part of 2021 work while Roncesvalles itself is pan ready. Various sections of Dundas and Howard Park to Lansdowne are to be done this year. If the entrance was pan ready and after the work is done on Dundas and Howard Park, then the yard could be pan only assuming no King or Queen cars use the yard.

Testing of returning cars use the yard as layover when using King and Queen that still need poles.
They are still not done converting all lines... typical speed of ttc.
Got to blame the city since they pushed the Roncesvalles/Queen/King intersection from 2019 to 2020 and now 2021. For the rest of the system, blame TTC since it was to be done in 2019.
Got to blame the city since they pushed the Roncesvalles/Queen/King intersection from 2019 to 2020 and now 2021. For the rest of the system, blame TTC since it was to be done in 2019.
honestly how much longer? Why cant they invest a little more money to get this done asap. theyve had 10 years since they bought the flexities to do this. No wonder TTC is decaying and a shadow of its past.
honestly how much longer? Why cant they invest a little more money to get this done asap. theyve had 10 years since they bought the flexities to do this. No wonder TTC is decaying and a shadow of its past.
Getting the whole system pan ready has really taken far too long - I can understand why the King/Queen/Roncys intersection has not been done as it is complicated and was supposed to be completely rebuilt several years ago but why is Church still not finished? Surely it is time to say Pantos are the default and poles are the exception at certain locations or diversions?
