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TTC Illegal Wildcat Strike - May 30 2006



Strike shuts down TTC
Many caught standing at bus stops waiting for pick-ups that will never come
May 29, 2006. 06:36 AM

Subway stations were shut, buses and streetcars were parked in garages and hundreds of thousands of angry commuters had to find alternate ways to work early Monday after the city’s transit system was shut down.

Toronto Transit Commission spokeswoman Marilyn Bolton confirmed service for 700,000 people was halted following “an illegal job action†by transit workers. She offered no other comment.

The shutdown caught Toronto’s commuters by surprise. Many had gone to bed Sunday night unaware of a pending shutdown.

“Maybe I’ll take a taxi, which is a lot of money,†said Egan Vasconcellos, as he waited in vain for a streetcar on a downtown street. “I can’t really afford that ... so I’m sticking it out. Maybe they’ll come, maybe they won’t. I don’t know.â€

At bus stops throughout the city commuters stood in groups or by themselves, many on cellular telephones trying to beg a lift from neighbours or co-workers.

Gaston Willis, 31, a cleaner at the downtown Rogers Centre, said many Torontonians will be angry.

“The last time it happened, it was chaos,†he said. “This time, it will probably be worse because there are a lot more people in Toronto then there was a couple of years ago. A lot more people are taking the public transit system now because gas prices are expensive. It’s crazy.â€

Factory worker Silvia Gallant heard about a possible service disruption on the news Sunday, but had no choice but to hope for the best and wait.

“What else can I do?†she said and threw her cigarette into the empty street.

Small clusters of maintenance workers gathered before sunrise at an east end transit yard. They shouted at managers trying to persuade them to return to work.

Union officials could not be reached for comment.

A union-management battle has been brewing for months over several issues including driver security, health premiums, job evaluations and shifting for employees who do track maintenance and cleaning for the TTC.

The TTC wants 53 of 87 janitors and 53 of 91 subway track workers permanently moved to the night shift from day jobs as part of a cost-savings measure.

Toronto Mayor David Miller called on the province’s labour minister over the weekend for help, but a provincial mediator wasn’t expected to contact both sides until Monday to try to resolve the issues.
I'm stuck at home until service starts up again. I could walk to the closest GO station but then I'll arrive downtown more than 9 hours before my class starts and I wouldn't be able to take another train home. A taxi would be at least $50 each way.

Where's Reagan when you need him?

"The TTC wants 53 of 87 janitors and 53 of 91 subway track workers permanently moved to the night shift from day jobs as part of a cost-savings measure."

Since the TTC is so dependent on revenue from the farebox, a lot more jobs that that could be lost outright.
Fire the entire leadership and fine the union tens of millions >:

This isn't some rinkydink little factory or anything, this is the city. What I'd like most is for the union to be fined what the economic damage to the city is.

Thankfully I'm out of town for now and don't have to rely on the TTC this morning.
This is the problem with unions. Drivers are going to feel major public backlash for this and not the ones responsible, the union heads. Hell, the first car I get on this week I am going to make it known to the driver he is an asshole though he is just following union orders (becasue it will make me feel better). They are damned if they do and damned if they don't as their union buds will 'oust' them if they do not comply to the strike.

The union wants public sympathy for safety and half a week later they pull this shit? No way.
F$cking TTC. This isn't France where weekly strikes are a part of life... people actually have to get to work here. Pisses me off.
TTC = "Take The Car"

I spent $40 on a cab this morning and am very pissed off.
I just had a nice, leisurely walk to work downtown from Riverdale. 50 minutes, door to door. Sometimes the TTC takes just as long.

Last night I was waiting for a 504 to go downtown. I know that on Saturday and Sunday early evenings they turn a lot of the 504 and 505 cars to Queen and Greenwood, so I was expecting a bit of a wait. But I waited 40 minutes! It was one of those situations where I was in no hurry, and like most people figured there would be one along soon, so i just waited ... and waited. But 40 minutes! I gave the driver an earful, and she started mouthing off at me, which I ignored, and muttered "Shut up, stupid bitch!" so everyone could hear me as I wlked to the back of the car.

Also, the driver of the Dundas car has been pulling that trick lately where they slow down to 10 km an hour because of the supposedly poor road repair.

Is there no end to the indignities we must face?
Just got to work. I made up a sign saying "Down Town", no luck. Ended up walking along Wilson towards Dufferin, gave a nice long salute to the Local 113 offices. A cabbie saw my salute, and pulled in, figuring I was pissed and needed a ride. We ended up picking up three other people at various points along the way, made a $42 trip cost me only about $20 with tip. Left home about 15 minutes early, got into work about 20 minutes late.
I had my usual 15 minuted walk. It seemed as though there were a few more cars on the street, but not too many.

I wish I were a lazy fat assed union worker. It's a nice day not to be working.
Oh, the Irony:

From the City of Toronto website
Toronto Public Service Week: May 29 - June 2

Toronto Public Service Week
May 29 to June 2, 2006 - Schedule of events

Serving a great city and its people

Find out about the people who help make Toronto work. As Toronto's goodwill ambassadors, members of the Toronto Public Service are committed to delivering high quality and professional service to Toronto's 2.7 million residents, its businesses and visitors.

During Toronto Public Service Week, find out more about the Toronto Public Service and City services. Throughout the week we will be showcasing and promoting City services and hosting a number of special events that reflect the City's priorities.

Toronto Public Service Week will include a variety of activities each day. Tours, information sessions, demonstrations and displays will be offered at various locations throughout the city. The Toronto Transit Commission, Toronto Public Library, Toronto Zoo, Exhibition Place and Toronto Police Service are participating in Toronto Public Service Week.

Find out what's going on during Toronto Public Service Week.
Read the Toronto Public Service Week Proclamation.
Learn about the awards the City of Toronto has won.
I was lucky enough to snag a ride with a friend and her husband and was only 15 minutes late.

We listened to 680 News on the way in and heard an interview of a striking TTC worker saying they would not return to work until Bob Kinnear tells them to, despite the cease and desist order and despite the possibility of arrest.
Biked in as usual anyway.

Gotta love the bike.

If you are driving take care as there are LOTS of angry drivers out there right now. It seems with the TTC strike the rules of the road (like blocking intersections) go on strike as well!

My sister just snagged a ride with a rouge cabbie. Some young Polish woman with a child picked her and another woman up saying she didn't have a visa to work here but needed the money. She said $10 each from Jamieson to Spadina.

Not bad!
ATU 113 has to be the most poorly run union in the country, and it pisses me off because every time they pull this kind of shit it raises anti-union rhetoric against all unions. there was no justification for this strike. the TTC was operating in accordance with the most recent collective agreement, and the ATU didn't even bother filing a grievance

i've worked around, with, and under lots of unions and ATU 113 stands out to me as the laziest, most complacent, ignorant, and under-skilled one of them all. i hope this gets the ball rolling on getting the TTC declared an essential service, and i hope the OLRB comes down hard on them. i also hope that's there's a significant enough backlash against the rank and file members that they think twice before electing another knob like kinnear
Rouge cabbies! The city takes away, and it provides, in times of (mild) crisis.
