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TTC: Flexity Streetcars Testing & Delivery (Bombardier)

4401 has been out testing every night this week and on course to enter service for the first time next week if nothing changes.

Mean while, 4404 that been here 49 days still in the service bay and 4403 still sitting on the service track after 64 days.

The question is, is it worth it to TTC to have cars out of service over a year and spend counties days trying to get them back into service over these welds issues??? Who picking up the tab for the (70)days/(Months) TTC spend working on these return car to get them back into service considering new cars were only taking 8-20 days???
TTC 4407 was off loaded Wed after being off site 333 days and 4411 took its spot on the flat. 4407 current tracking in the service bay.

4401 still in the service bay. I am still expecting it to enter service this week with the amount of test days it did last week, unless something causing it to be delay now. 45 days so far.

4403 (70 days) has made its way back into the service bay and 4404 (84 days) now on the yard service track.

We should see 4407 back in service near the end of Aug at current rate.

I guess we will see 4411 back here early 2021, since the 15 weeks turn around has never happen from day one as plan.

4408 should show by the end of May or early June, since it loaded at Hillcrest June 28, 2019.

May see 4414 come Aug, since it was off site September 06, 2019 and will be the last car to return this year for weld repairs unless something happens sooner to 4409 shipped March 13, 2020.

Still got 4471 shipped April 03, 2019 and 4478 shipped January 23, 2019 to come from Thunder Bay. 4478 could become the longest a car been off site since the fleet arrived.

With the cut to service about to happen, should allow TTC Staff get the back log of cars up to standard sooner than later, since less cars to be service daily at this time.
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Makes sense, I believe when the wires are strictly for Panto they are designed to move back and forth to wear the contact more slowly.

Nitpick - the wires are relatively rigid, it’s the alignment of the panto that can be variable, as the car rocks and rolls down the track.. Same benefit, just a different source of the motion.

- Paul
Nitpick - the wires are relatively rigid, it’s the alignment of the panto that can be variable, as the car rocks and rolls down the track.. Same benefit, just a different source of the motion.

- Paul
You don't wire a system that uses pantographs with perfectly straight contact wires. You wire them in a zigzag pattern.
6 years; 10 months; 27 days old 4401, The final 204 car on order has finally enter service on route 505 (BDBSam) for the very first time.

4401 Arrived as a Prototype on June 17, 2013, almost a year late and became a training car for the next few years until more cars on hand to help in the training. It than sat in the yard until May 14, 2018 when it was Shipped To La Pocatiere Quebec for weld repair. Was shipped to Thunder Bay from La Pocatiere Quebec early last year to be rebuilt.

Rebuilt 4401 arrived March 23, 2020 and did its last test run on or about April 30. Had expect it to be in service by May 9 at the latest once all pre-service was done based on past testing to in service.

It was sitting outside the main entrance to the Barns this afternoon. I expect it was there for photographing, since 4401 is the the final 204 car to enter service out 204 car order and 18 plus months late.

TTC may have 204 cars, but don't need them until COVID-19 is under control and ridership has return. TTC will not have 204 on property until 2027 when the last of 67 cars to see weld repairs is back on property.




Should the TTC put in a new order for more streetcars (60-100) after COVID-19, maybe they will include a different seating rearrangement.




Should the TTC put in a new order for more streetcars (60-100) after COVID-19, maybe they will include a different seating rearrangement.
The only difference between the current one and the one you showed seems to be in the modules without boogies (wheels) instead of seats against both walls one of them has four facing each other




Should the TTC put in a new order for more streetcars (60-100) after COVID-19, maybe they will include a different seating rearrangement.
Based on designs of other manufactures and systems I have rode, very little different, even going to 70% low floor for seating arrangement. The seats to the left are used for bike, strollers and accessibility and that not going to change for TTC.

As for ordering, who going to pay for them based on the COVID-19 mess and drop in ridership??? If TTC is already reducing the number of cars in service now, then there is no need for more.

If we are to move to safe spacing down the road, TTC needs is going to need 100 more cars as ridership pickup. Its also a tool for restarting the economy and a good time to order 100 cars.

As for wooded seats, a fair number of systems in Europe only use them, compare what we sit on in NA. They aren't that bad to sit on from my experience as well being cheap, but prefer our seating,

I prefer Stadler arrangement and the only one I saw this way.



4404 has reenter service after only 69 days on route 509.

4407 has been out 3 night testing after only been here 15 days.

4403 who been here 84 days is still on the yard service track
4407 is currently testing on 509 and the first day time testing that I know of. Its also the 5th day in a row doing testing and could it be the first to reenter service under 60 day??

4403 still sitting on the service track in the yard.

4408 was delivery to Hillcrest yesterday and be off loaded on Monday.

Currently 4404 hold the title to the longest car off TTC property at 501 days and 578 days out of service.
4408 was off loaded Tuesday May 26 and on the yard service track, tracking.
4403 still on the yard service track and been here 90 days.
4407 is back in the service bay and been here 21 days. It was off site 333 days.
4415 was loaded onto 4408 car to gets welds fix.
4407 has been out the last 2 days doing more testing.

4403 Still on the service Yard track.

4408 is in the service bay.
