That would hardly be worth while, the cost would be staggering, and take much longer to order and receive streetcars from a another supplier than to just let Bombardier finish the order.
The next lowest bid was 50% higher, and they had to spend a few years designing and testing the prototypes before beginning production. How much money do you want to blow just for principle?
Since BBD is already in breach of contract, TTC can terminate the contract very easy and back charge BBD for all extra cost incurred to maintain a fleet that was supposed to be gone by now. At the same time, TTC can back charge BBD the extra cost to have the remaining cars built by X as well any other cost it incurred from the date of termination to full delivery of all original 204 cars contract for. TTC can go after any extra cost to buy the option 60 cars over BBD price. Contract law at work in favour of TTC in the end.
TTC needs to place another tender for not only the extra 60 cars BBD was supposed to supply, but the other cars it will need to beef up not only the current system, but the expansion that will be happening in the next 10 years ASP.
I already know Alstom can have a prototype car here within 2 years of signing of contract, but don't know how long it would be for any other suppliers, but no more than 3 years.
Depending on how I look at my past comments for cars being here by year end, I am on the money or 2 cars short for delivery.
The big question thats still remains unanswered, what is TTC going to do about the failure rate that is still 50% less than contracted for? There is an extra cost being incurred to keep the new fleet on the road with the current piss poor rating and who pickup that cost?? There was to be next to no cost for the fleet for the first 10 years, but there is now.
BBD needs to be shown the door even if we have to wait another 2-3 years for X suppliers cars to show up. You can only accept garbage for so long unit is stinks to high heaven.
Do we accept the current delivery numbers for 2018 as stated by BBD or do we decease that number by 15% now?? Depending on how you want to look at BBD deliveries for 2017 using the 4 numbers by them, they miss the target by 10% plus.
What every TTC does for future tenders, a stronger penalty clause needs to be in place from day one when the tender goes out and signing of contract.
4458 in testing on St Clair at my posting