New Member
You bring up a good point. It's not uncommon for corporate executives to receive golden parachutes when they're forced to resign even if it's due to bad performance. Robert Nardelli, for example, was CEO of Home Depot whose share price plummeted before he was ousted by the Board for bad performance and Mr. Nardelli was paid $210 Million after resigning as part of his severance package. And then after being fired for doing a bad job at Home Depot, he was immediately hired by Chrysler and we know how that's turning out. They live in a different world and the public just accepts it.
But two wrongs don't make a right and Mr. Kinnear's tirade in blaming everyone but his union members just throws flames into the fire with his righteous attitude that typifies some of the members he represents.
Hes not blaming everyone except his members. Hes defending his members because thats what we pay him to do. If you listen to the whole thing not just what the media has chosen to air, you will see hes acknowledged his members are at fault as well. If he thought it was all just the public and management than he wouldn't arrange for town-hall meetings. Hes obviously admitting theres fault on his members. Remember the union is essentially its members lawyer. He has to pick and chose his words so it doesn't alienate the very people he represents. Were not paying union dues so Bob can join the rest of the city and say its all the drivers fault the world is coming to and end