Reading it over...
1. They claim station stops will take twice as long, as compared to the 400m spacing. I find this figure highly specious. I've never actually timed it, but do stops where they are spaced 2km apart take twice as long as the ones where they are 1km apart? The stops on the Viva, which have all door boarding and 1km stop spacing, tend to be very quick. I cannot imagine the time saved boarding and unloading making up for stopping more frequently. Not to mention most people boarding at major stops will be transferring from another route, so major stops will continue to take longer regardless of how frequently the line stops.
2. It still mentions delays from red lights. This ignores the possibility of full signal priority which could boost the speeds over the 30km/h mark.
3. For reference, between Victoria Park and Morningside (10.3km):
Car via 401 (moderate traffic, source: Google) - 12 minutes
Car via Sheppard (moderate traffic, source: Google) - 18 minutes
Rapid transit (32km/h - grade separated or ROW with full signal priority, 800m stops): 19 minutes
Light rapid transit A (26.5km/h - ROW with medium signal priority, 800m stops): 23 minutes
Light rapid transit B (22.5km/h - ROW with medium signal priority, 400m stops): 27 minutes
Current bus (17km/h - mixed traffic with limited/no signal priority, 290m stops): 36 minutes
Bicycle (moderate conditions, source: Google): 36 minutes
NOTE: In this case, "light rapid transit" refers to operating conditions which are less optimal than "rapid transit," it does not refer to the type of rolling stock used.