I'm surprised by how many Torontonians don't actually appreciate just how big Toronto is on a global scale. And how dense too - with all our apartment blocks. Sure, Willowdale away from the arteries is very undense ... but so is Wimbledon Common/Richmond Park or Bushy Park.
This was so obvious when I saw the whole session at City Hall regarding transit. Some councilors are actually aware of that too. Unfortunately, most of them only see their ward and don't think of the city as a whole. Some of them were using Houston, Minneapolis as example for LRT and one Councilor said; "We're not Houston or Minneapolis, We're Toronto and it's time to take pride of that fact"
You have all those international organisation ranking Toronto so high on any type of list in term of how powerful the city is in a global scale and yet we keep electing people who still view us as a "Montreal+".
A councilor said with good reason that taking the LRT sends the wrong message to both Queen's Park and Ottawa; the message that Toronto will take whatever it's being thrown at for Transit. The correct message is having Eglinton as Subway (In my mind elevated is 100% acceptable) and demand more funding for Sheppard, Finch, DRL and orther streetcar and LRT lines. Toronto is the financial heart of Canada and Ontario and if our population spend more time at making Torontonians more aware of it, the city would be in a better position to pressure higher government to do more.
So it's totally fine to give subways (Spadina line) with a poor ridership (Past Steeles West) and we shoot ourselves and fight among ourselves on Eglinton??? We truly have incompetent politicians who knows nothing about "well politics". If the province can fund York fantasy dreams why can't they fund projects that are decades late and needed???
How do you think Paris get's it done?
What is France without Paris? The citizens know it and they constantly reminds France of that.
What is England without London? They know it and they constantly reminds England that they cannot be denied. Same for New York City, Tokyo etc...
I'm not a Ford follower but this city is really short-sighted on Transit and the upper level of government likes it the way it is so they can tell us right in our face
"Give me your tax $$$, I'll invest it elsewhere and give you whatever's left...once every 2 decades..."
BTW, politicians being the predictable creature that they are, I predict Metrolinx and the Province will bury Victoria Park Station to not piss off Scarborough too much...maybe even Warden unless it's elevated
world's upside down...
York wants subway=we sign them a check with no strings attached without even having consider LRT in the first place
Toronto wants subway=What??? You're just as dense as some major world cities, twice 1 million more people than Montreal but their subway is 1km shorter, so what are you saying? LRT's are too good for you now???? you don't need subway...