. Tonight I am going to add a stop at Arrow Rd. and Finch though. As much as it frustrated me, it is one of those areas where having two stops per city block makes more sense than one, and the disconnected road network in the area also makes it hard to just have it stop at the ends (Highway 400 running between makes it hard to do just one in the middle).
I am removing the stop at Eglinton and Leslie though, as there is nothing at all in that intersection.
It is set to be a public map, so I am hoping that someone in power comes across it and considers implementong it.
That's the thing.........sometimes evry close stops are warranted and elsewhere stops can be much further apart but there needs to be a general guideline as to the "average" space stopping such as 1 per km.
I alasp agree with the comment about stopping should not ever be influenced by local coundillors. They often know little about transit but everything about getting themselves re-elected. They want to promise everyone a stop in front of their door regardless of the effect on the system as a whole.
Toronto's "balls are missing" because if they weren't they would tell the people along the route the truth.........if you want true rapid/mass transit them you are going to have to get use to walking to the station. They should be very firm about the number of stations they will allow and if they get flack them they should get some backbone {or grow some balls} and tell the residents that if you demand rapid transit then you must accept the fact that you will probably have to walk longer to get to your station. There is no such thing as rapid transit that stops every 2 to 3 blocks............that is very much local service.
Hell, a lot of local surface routes don't even stop that often as they skip stops where no one wants to get on or off while LRT POP will require stops at all stations.
As far as this "don't have enough money" story goes, that is a load of crap. I cannot, nor have even heard of, a city getting $8.2 billion for rapid transit from a senior level of government where the city itself doesn't have to chip in one nickel. EVERY city on this planet {including other ones in Ontario} would give their left nut to enjoy such largess. The reason Toronto doesn't have enough money for full subway expansion is because the feds and especially the people of Toronto refuse to pay for it.
Vancouver realized that you don't get "money for nothing and chicks for free" in the real world. They paid $500 million for the Canada Line and are putting $400 million towards the soon to be built new 11km Evergreen SKyTrain line which is only coming in at $130 million per Km including a 1 km tunnel.
Calgary, Edmonton, and even Ontario sister city Ottawa are all putting in their own money for their LRT expansion programs.
Maybe Toronto should look itself in the mirror and realize that they are the biggest block to mass transit expansion in Toronto and not senior levels of government. Toronto can bitch all it wants at Ottawa about not providing enough money for rapid/mass transit expansion but they are contributing $330 million towards the Sheppard Line which is exactly $330 million more than Toronto is willing to anti up.