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Toronto's Ugliest Building

Hey screenplaying - you still trying to promote your little forum of slander (With, like wow! Five active members!) here?

Get a life.
I agree: except to the "modernism is bad" or "suburbanism is bad" kneejerks, that garage just isn't "ugly" enough. It even appears to be well enough used and in good repair. Okay, so it's "large"--but, still; that's where the suburban setting softens the scale.

Maybe less for aesthetics than for physical condition, I'd rather nominate something like the garage for those apartments at the top of West Lodge. (And even its concrete grillage might have its afficionados.)
Oh, and let's get beyond these usual suspects, whether they be brutalist or faux or whatever. I have a real doozy of a nomination for "ugliest building"; and if any of you see it, you'll probably be hard pressed to deny it.

It's the Z103.5/Foxy 88.5 studio building at 5302 Dundas St. W, out near Six Points, Kipling Subway, etc. It has to be seen to believed; to call it sleazy is an understatement and a half.

If someone can post a picture of it, it'd be welcome...
I'm not sure what the downright ugliest building would be for me: certainly the "New York Towers" come closest for me in that category: desparingly bad taste writ improbably large - and yet they're so ridiculous, they're are also something akin to burlesque, or a dirty joke. They can't be approved of, but sometimes they make you laugh if they catch you offguard.

I guess the ugliest building for me would have to be something depressing, yet having to be routinely dealt with, just to rub it in.

I surprise myself by nominating the Leslie L. Dan Pharmacy building.
It receives this award from me, partly for failure to live up to perfectly reasonable expectations as an important building on a landmark site. For having a garage door that looks out onto College Street. For being a dull, lifeless block of turgid mock-functionality dotted up with brand-name pretensions to relevance. For the heavy, claustrophobic pods, the graceless interiors, the dead lobby, the choppy interior spaces. For the dull warehouse-level finishes, visible though the glass at night.
For the fact I have to walk by it all the time, and imagining what might have gone there, have to search it in vain for something that lifts my spirits and justifies it having being built...and finding Nothing, and a big Nothing at that.
The "New York Towers" and the Chedington are like kitsch bookends of ugliness. Faux nightmares both, they bracket a conservative market that consists of people who don't know what they want being sold what they think they want. The higher the price tag is, the more convinced they are that what they're getting enhances their fragile status.
Toronto's Ugliest & most destructive Building

So you think the Chedington is uglier then Harbour square? Which does more damage to their neighbourhoods? I think the Chedington is an attractive building, which nestled where it is, is quite harmless, while the 38 floors of Harbour Square, not to mention that darling parking lot that faces Queen's Quay and blocks out the lake and any sun light that might brighten that ghastly grey monster, have done more damage to Toronto then almost any other buildings. (along with a few other Harbourfront beauties) They not only block out the lake, the sun and parkland but then they assault us with a depressing parking lot and drab storefronts for an entire LONG block, along our most important strip of water front. Compared to that, is the Chedington so bad? I vote for Harbour Square as, not only the ugliest but the most destructive to the city as a whole. I live just up the street and every time I have to pass them, I grieve. >: lol
Re: Toronto's Ugliest & most destructive Building

And now, to reiterate on behalf of *negative* judgment, for a change...why not both?
Re: Toronto's Ugliest & most destructive Building

Like it or not, Harbour Square helped create a neighbourhood, or at least a highrise residential district; the Chedington is a blot on an otherwise pleasant ravine landscape. Harbour Square is contemporary to its time; the Chedington is a fake chateau for heavily marketed-to people with delusions of grandeur - probably with racks of Sun King and Marie Antoinette costumes in their closets.
Re: Toronto's Ugliest & most destructive Building

"the 'New York Towers': ... desparingly bad taste writ improbably large - and yet they're so ridiculous, they're ... also something akin to burlesque, or a dirty joke. They can't be approved of, but sometimes they make you laugh if they catch you offguard."

"The 'New York Towers' and the Chedington are like kitsch bookends of ugliness. Faux nightmares both, they bracket a conservative market that consists of people who don't know what they want being sold what they think they want. The higher the price tag is, the more convinced they are that what they're getting enhances their fragile status."

^ These are precisely the sort of delightfully barbed bon-mots which I so desperately crave in order to help cling to sanity during my hopefully soon-to-end sojourn in this vapid, antiseptic, wildly over-hyped and ludicrously ultra-narcissistic ‘city’ they call Vancouver. It’s difficult to overstate just how much I miss the … well, thinking that goes on in great places like Toronto. You lot simply rock.

Btw, this is by far the single best thing I’ve ever seen written about contemporary ‘VanCity’ (ugh). Nails it, to say the least:

My own rather un-creative vote for ugliest, or at least most painfully prominent blight in town goes either to the hulking, decrepit chocolate slab on the north-east corner of Bloor & Walmer (complete with utterly ghastly concrete retail mess at street-level), or to the similarly dark, ill-maintained and monstrous disaster on the east side of Dufferin somewhere around Dundas(?), as I recall. These colossal turds are begging to be pulverized.
Re: Toronto's Ugliest & most destructive Building

I wonder if a trophy can be granted...
Re: Toronto's Ugliest & most destructive Building

That's a pretty big turd for a newborn.
Re: Toronto's Ugliest & most destructive Building

Yeah, I thought Tom was the big asshole.
Re: Toronto's Ugliest & most destructive Building

Speaking of which, I can imagine some people nominating the Scientology building at Yonge + St. Mary as a "Toronto Ugly" exemplar.

Some *lay* people, at least. Others (incl. myself) might acclaim it as an remarkably unsung and remarkably unaltered "early modern" landmark. (I don't know the story of the building; date, architect, anything. Presumably the borderline-sinister tenancy has put off any curious researchers...)
Re: Toronto's Ugliest & most destructive Building

I think we can excuse the "lay" people who don't find this building particularly attractive.

Re: Toronto's Ugliest & most destructive Building

You dissed the Scientology Building! You are so sued now!

Muh, ha, ha, ha! - Lord Xenu
