Toronto YC Condos -- Yonge at College | 198.42m | 62s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

I know. It does beg the question? Why do we use SSG curtain wall for everything? The benefits to costs are questionable as more and more projects are starting to use it floor to ceiling. So far, the number of failures have been limited to the few condos that have use it. Perhaps this is more about improving industry standards. It's only the residential towers with the budgets that afford only the cheapest brands that have had the issue.
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Well, there's the issue. It's different suppliers, different price points, different quality. The standards are there and in place, it's just that some suppliers follow them better than others and that accounts for the discrepancy.

Part of it is also that the explosion of demand hasn't been followed by an increase in skilled labour. Instead companies are going with cheap, unskilled workers and the results show. SSG isn't anything new, but we didn't have the quality issues fifteen years ago when there was a smaller batch of tradesmen doing all the work. And that applies right along the supply chain, from design to fabrication to installation to service.

And to prove my (biased) point, residential construction in the city is generally done under special collective agreements so that the same worker doing the same work will be paid much less to do it on a residential site as opposed to a commercial site. The result is that the more skilled workers will hold out for the commercial jobs, while the residential work is getting done by whoever couldn't get commercial work. And then people wonder why there are windows falling out of residential buildings?
More trash from yesterday morning:
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Hopefully the balcony glass will save this from the grey spandrel......


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I hope they decide to move that one odd sized floor up one more to even it out cause it really looks dumb like that. For real thats bugs me so bad when they do this in the wrong places of the designs
Site Plan Applications include elevations with every material described: there's no lack of honesty there, the City gets to see it all. Marketing renderings, however, are not part of the package that the City reviews before approval is granted, and developers do not have to answer to the City should what's built finally differ from the renderings. There have been private lawsuits, however, brought when what was delivered differed from what was rendered, so some developers choose to include a caveat that reads something like "artist's impression only".

The industrial grey spandrel is what you see on the rendering. The balconies should be the chosen colours of black and white.
