Great Gulf seems to have a flair for the dramatic, with signs all around the building proclaiming: "Sales Office Temporarily Closed, Xcavation Starting." Or words to that effect.
Incidentally, here's a link to the company doing the work.
An orange tarp is now visible from the front entrance, which appears to seal off the room behind the former front lobby. I wonder if this is related to asbestos removal, or just to keep dust and dirt from spreading. It would be interesting to know step by step how an office building is demolished.
The building shell is now coming down. Should be completely raised by tomorrow at the rate their going. I wonder how soon digging will start after demolition?
The north side took 4 or 5 days to take down, Jarvis side is happening today. Once that's complete the slabs have to be jack hammered out so I think it's going to be a good month or two before the building is gone.
There was an 8 or 9 storey building that was taken down where the condos just to the east of the Xerox building now stand on Bloor East and that took 5 or 6 months to take down, must have been built really well. Several jack hammer vehicles working away for about 4 months nearly drove me insane back when I was working shift hours.
I highly doubt the frame of the police station is as strong as , for example, an elevator core of an unbuilt 55 storeys tower so I doubt they will be jackhammering when they can use this