Toronto X The Condominium | ?m | 44s | Great Gulf | a—A

Maybe we need to get big Daddy a bus ticket back to Saskatoon.......

Ouch, a little sensitive are we? Well be honest and tell me what you find so interesting or inspiring about this black, unimaginative box. Really, your kids could have crafted this little number...and I'm sure there are any number of buildings in Saskatoon that are more interesting than this "gem".
Ouch, a little sensitive are we? Well be honest and tell me what you find so interesting or inspiring about this black, unimaginative box. Really, your kids could have crafted this little number...and I'm sure there are any number of buildings in Saskatoon that are more interesting than this "gem".

Now I'm intrigued. What IS your vision of the ideal tower, Mr. Daddy?
Ouch, a little sensitive are we? Well be honest and tell me what you find so interesting or inspiring about this black, unimaginative box. Really, your kids could have crafted this little number...and I'm sure there are any number of buildings in Saskatoon that are more interesting than this "gem".

To paraphrase:


Well be honest and tell me what you find so interesting or inspiring about this painting. Really, your kids could have crafted this little number...or any number of paintings that are more interesting than this "gem".
Ouch, a little sensitive are we? Well be honest and tell me what you find so interesting or inspiring about this black, unimaginative box. Really, your kids could have crafted this little number...and I'm sure there are any number of buildings in Saskatoon that are more interesting than this "gem".

If you don't appreciate Miesian architecture, then you won't appreciate the design of this building. I guess it's an acquired taste, but it sure has been acquired by the vast majority of people. You're really missing out here.

Calling it an "architectural wonder" is clearly over-the-top marketing hype that nobody takes seriously. People like this building because mirrors a group of the best, most famous, and admired office towers in Toronto.
Now I'm intrigued. What IS your vision of the ideal tower, Mr. Daddy?

That's 'Sir' Daddy to you,.....what intigues me? Well, let me see.....oh well, something tallish but not too tall...hmmm, some interesting setbacks as the building, no interesting changes to the facade, just keep them the roof, how about an interesting slanted roof, no wait, maybe something with a spire or...NO,...What am I talking about?......i"ve got it! We'll make it flat!!! Now, the exterior, ...hmmm......well theres sandstone, granite, marble...WAIT...what am I thinking.???? we'll make it BLACK. Holy Kryptonite superman, thats it!!!!! 44 floors, flat on all four sides, flat on the top and all black! WOW, now we're talking architecture, man!!
That's 'Sir' Daddy to you,.....what intigues me? Well, let me see.....oh well, something tallish but not too tall...hmmm, some interesting setbacks as the building, no interesting changes to the facade, just keep them the roof, how about an interesting slanted roof, no wait, maybe something with a spire or...NO,...What am I talking about?......i"ve got it! We'll make it flat!!! Now, the exterior, ...hmmm......well theres sandstone, granite, marble...WAIT...what am I thinking.???? we'll make it BLACK. Holy Kryptonite superman, thats it!!!!! 44 floors, flat on all four sides, flat on the top and all black! WOW, now we're talking architecture, man!!
So Big Daddy doesn't like X and finds it unimaginative.

Could the rest of you at least challenge him on his opinion rather than resort to calling him Cletus and other nonsense?

I wouldn't yet call this one a stinker at all, but there is a fear, IMHO, that we'll get a cheapened, hacked, copy of Mies that will still be praised because a certain architect is involved, in the modernist style. It's too early to say if it will work and turn out fine - I really hope it does. The marketing however, is over the top, but that's typical condo marketing. It will not be an architectural masterpiece - almost no condos are.

But give me the real thing - TD Centre - anyday.

Oh, Big Daddy, could you explain what buildings here in the P&C thread are ones that you do like?
On the plus side, Great Gulf Homes has produced some great condos. On the minus side, unless the proper materials are used, the Miesian effect will be lost. However, the worst case scenario is that it will be another Toronto box, which isn't the worst thing in the world... just kinda boring.
Yeah, I forgot it was Great Gulf, so I have some faith in something better than the norm here, though there is that nagging fear.

Though Great Gulf did a wonderful homage to the industrial towers along Spadina with Morgan, and a good modern building with Hudson just down the street.

If they can building something to the calibre of either, we hopefully will be in for a treat.
