Toronto X The Condominium | ?m | 44s | Great Gulf | a—A

For a while now this building has been reminding me of the Monolith from 2001.


And that's a very good thing. That was one sexy Monolith.
Hey, there's a condo name we don't have yet - The Monolith. 50 floors of windowless, doorless, balconyless ultra-minimalism.
re: Monolith

I wonder if they can do that with black tinted glass structural curtain wall (like Met but darker) with a matte treatment/coating held up by black spider clamps.

The Trump World Tower in New York comes pretty close to being this monolith.
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Would just like to point out that in full sunshine yesterday X was more of a medium, transparent green than black. Quite far from any monolith comparison. The white walls in the units really detract from the overall "blackness" of the building.
Would just like to point out that in full sunshine yesterday X was more of a medium, transparent green than black. Quite far from any monolith comparison. The white walls in the units really detract from the overall "blackness" of the building.

That's the colour of the glass. Anyone who has passed by less than perhaps 400 - 600 feet would see the green in the glass, as one views the building from further away the glass becomes darker and looks more black than green.
Driving down Mt Pleasant staring at the mostly dreary architecture of the city then suddenly coming to a stop at Jarvis is a real treat--you notice how god-damn seXy this building is! (It's like walking down Queen West and after passing so many badly dressed girls, suddenly a stunning well-dressed one walks by, making you turn and stare in awe.:))
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Would just like to point out that in full sunshine yesterday X was more of a medium, transparent green than black. Quite far from any monolith comparison. The white walls in the units really detract from the overall "blackness" of the building.

That's the colour of the glass. Anyone who has passed by less than perhaps 400 - 600 feet would see the green in the glass, as one views the building from further away the glass becomes darker and looks more black than green.

This photo by dt_toronto_geek over on the Casa thread demonstrates the variable nature of the look of X, depending on lighting. Look closely on the far left. You can't even see the black spandrel at all!


(courtesy dt_toronto_geek )
My eyes!!!! Great shots casaguy.

It almost looks like fall in the Don Valley/Rosedale areas to the left of X.
Moving in

Have they started move-ins yet?

Tenants (or should I say 'occupants' rather, until the building is registered) start moving in this July. This gives Great Gulf approx. 3 1/2 months left to get the building ready. The final occupants move in March 2011, a year away. There has been lots of discussion as to why it will take so long to get everyone in. I agree with a few people who figured it was better for Great Gulf to be conservative in their estimates rather than things leading to much delay and as a result much frustration. There is general agreement that with occupants moving in a floor a week (and this building being 44 stories tall), taking that long should really not be unexpected. I am on the 37th floor and won't get in until Feb. 2011. But from the way it looks right now, it will be more than worth the wait.:eek:
