Toronto Women's College Hospital | 70.1m | 10s | P.E.B.

Women's College specializes in out-patient treatments in areas such as dermatology and maternal care, and doesn't house emergency or trauma facilities. Fewer beds are needed I guess.

The building design is blocky and the use of post-and-beam construction the atrium looks like a Cheapening to me. I had hoped for a design like the Princess Margaret Hospital, which is tall, handsome, and functional.
looks smaller than what currently exists ... surprising in this era of massive hospital expansion

I notice a lot of vacant land used for parking / open space. Perhaps this is being reserved for future expansion.
That's where the last piece of the current building will be coming down of course...

It looks like a nice park to me, and I believe the area will benefit from having it.

The Wellesley block/Queen's Park area already has quite a bit of green space, and because the area is all government and is abandoned weekends and evenings, a park isn't really needed. Not to say I wouldn't enjoy more green space, but I too am guessing that WCH is saving the space for an eventual research institute. No self-respecting hospital these days operates without one.
Application: Demolition Folder (DM) Status: Not Started

Location: 76 GRENVILLE ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 10 216319 DEM 00 DM Accepted Date: Jul 9, 2010

Project: Parking Garage Demolition

Description: Proposal to demo existing 6 sty parking structure. Convenience address - 60 Grenville St. Also see demo for 51-55 Grenville St and BLD permit for new Womens College Hospital.

Application: New Building Status: Not Started

Location: 76 GRENVILLE ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 10 216321 BLD 00 NB Accepted Date: Jul 9, 2010

Project: Hospital New Building

Description: Proposal to construct a 10 sty hospital & office building. Womens College Hospital. See Demo's 10 21216309 and 10 216319.
Application: Demolition Folder (DM) Status: Not Started

Location: 76 GRENVILLE ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 10 216319 DEM 00 DM Accepted Date: Jul 9, 2010

Project: Parking Garage Demolition

Description: Proposal to demo existing 6 sty parking structure. Convenience address - 60 Grenville St. Also see demo for 51-55 Grenville St and BLD permit for new Womens College Hospital.

Application: New Building Status: Not Started

Location: 76 GRENVILLE ST

Ward 27: Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Application#: 10 216321 BLD 00 NB Accepted Date: Jul 9, 2010

Project: Hospital New Building

Description: Proposal to construct a 10 sty hospital & office building. Womens College Hospital. See Demo's 10 21216309 and 10 216319.

Aug 21 is the last day of service, then bye bye
A busy day today (time-lapse video):

Last edited:
Haven't been following this one for a while. They're demolishing the old art deco building? I thought it was to be kept.

More brick converting to glass... don't like it.
A shot from Bay Street today. They're moving along real quick on this.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

