Toronto Wish Condos | 63.7m | 18s | Liberty Development | Turner Fleischer

Feb 29, 2020

Well when you pair one of the worst architects with one of the worst developers in the City, is the dismal result at all surprising?
Can this city implement some kind of ban/moratorium on grey glass for at least 10 years? Seeing all this grey in every corner of this city is actually getting depressing.

And before I forget to add this point, let me just say for the record: this development is pure unadulterated trash.
The exterior glass has been installed for all but the top few floors, if I remember correctly from when I passed by recently.

Architectually, this is about as dull as it get. Towering over the intersection with its bland boxey grey.

I can already imagine how well it'll blend in with the snow and depressing greyness of winter.
I should have added one of those “mature content” warnings to my previous post. This atrocious building is not worth the UT server space to rant about it.
I think the admin should allow us to rage explicits at these buildings, then add a M for mature warning for anyone entering the respective threads. >.<
