Mississauga Widesuites Condominiums | ?m | 35s | Conservatory Group | Richmond Architects

Can't vouch for his appearance, but UD's architectural taste is generally pretty good. I'm going to have to agree on this one, it's pretty bad.
I'm afraid I have to agree - this one turned out to be pretty damn bad overall. Nice height and massing, but the rest? It's the skyscraper equivalent of a "butterface"...
while Widesuites 'shaft' is nothing more than a mere SLAB, the top 1/4 of the building presents quite well with interesting design features which I do like quite a lot ... plus it incorporates the rooftop mechanical really well, unlike some other buidlings with just an ugly box plunked on top as an afterthought~

I hope to God for the sake of everyone who moves into this building that it's called by its address, and not actually referred to as "Widesuites". How sad to have your building named after a marketing ploy like that. And it infers something about its inhabitants, hehe...
OMG! What have they done with the parking garage? They tried to make it look like units, but have failed miserably!!
OMG! What have they done with the parking garage? They tried to make it look like units, but have failed miserably!!

I was thinking those inaccessible fake balconies are going to result in a pile of crap collected behind them after a few years.
from today

Although the garage is not pretty by any definition, and perhaps it was more appropriate to have commercial office space in this structure fronting Hurontario ... in light of what it is (parking garage), the current treatment is certainly better than a blank wall which would have been terrible ... I would probably have preferred spandrel / frosted glass over these glass blocks though ~
I like the building, to be honest, but not a huge fan of the parking garage. I agree that it shouldn't have been along Hurontario. Bad attempt at covering it up too LOL.

But the building itself, I definitely don't mind its look.
Although the garage is not pretty by any definition, and perhaps it was more appropriate to have commercial office space in this structure fronting Hurontario ... in light of what it is (parking garage), the current treatment is certainly better than a blank wall which would have been terrible ... I would probably have preferred spandrel / frosted glass over these glass blocks though ~

Yea not to sure about that :) - a nice full wall add on the blank wall would have been 10X better ... seriously!
Dec-20-10 Visit
