Mississauga Widesuites Condominiums | ?m | 35s | Conservatory Group | Richmond Architects

1 King West's stubbier, budget cousin; and 1 King West is already a bit budget. This building had some potential, based on its form alone, but is sadly marred by atrocious pre-cast and crappy glass set inside cheap aluminum frames. It's all about making that bottom dollar, which is a sad reality when it comes to buildings that will be prominent in our built landscape for decades to come.
I think it's a pretty good looking building myself. Especially for Conservatory Group. I am really impressed how it comes right out to the street. When the parking lot across from it gets developed, it will make this area feel very urban.
from tonight

I think it's a pretty good looking building myself. Especially for Conservatory Group. I am really impressed how it comes right out to the street.

Unfortunately it comes right out to the wrong street.

The quality seems on par with Eden Park, which is say it is quite lackluster. It looks really cheap...
the crane was being removed today at Widesuites........

"Urbandreamer's ugliest condo completions 2010"?
Do you throw some kind of yearly architectural award ceremony in your back yard or something? If so, paper bag your self while your at it please.
