Toronto Wellesley on the Park | 194.15m | 60s | Lanterra | KPMB

I guess you can't satisfy everyone. We were happy for 30+ storeys back when joined urbantoronto. Sure the world has seen an explosion in height since however, most places would be very happy to see a 20 storey tower get off the ground in the current economic climate. There are seven 200+ metres towers under construction right now in the downtown. Also, The lot coverage of many developments is on the extremely high side making for a very dense urban experience regardless if they only manage 100 metres in height.

Bay Adelaide Centre as well as the financial core fall under Nathan Phillps Square shadowing policy. I'm sure many will disagree however, I think limiting additonal shadowing on are greatest (embarassingly neglected) civic attribute is well worth the trade off of slightly shorter heights. Our compact financial core is still one of the densest areas in North America. It has massive wind tunnels and few areas where direct sunlight penetrates. It is surprisingly small in area which allowing additional height wouldn't resolve.

We have been and continue to be spoiled and I get the feeling many that don't remember the mid-90s appreciate it.

One taller tower at BAC would have given a more interesting balance to the downtown skyline in my opinion. Instead what we will eventually have on this site is 3 relatively dwarfish boxes, in disappointing relation to the densely spaced bank towers. I sympathize with the shadowing issue on Nathan Phillips Square , but it certainly limits what might have been an impressive addition to the Toronto skyline. The greater downtown area needs an infusion of superior architecture, and yes, height as well. Some recent developments downtown could have been built anywhere along the 401 drag.
One taller tower at BAC would have given a more interesting balance to the downtown skyline in my opinion. Instead what we will eventually have on this site is 3 relatively dwarfish boxes, in disappointing relation to the densely spaced bank towers. I sympathize with the shadowing issue on Nathan Phillips Square , but it certainly limits what might have been an impressive addition to the Toronto skyline. The greater downtown area needs an infusion of superior architecture, and yes, height as well. Some recent developments downtown could have been built anywhere along the 401 drag.

I doubt very much that a building that far north of Toronto City Hall would have any influence on shadowing...Regarding this specific lot, it seems that the city is pushing for the taller buildings towards the Bay street area.
I was really hoping against all odds that this plan would change or evolve, sadly not. This an enormous waste of prime downtown land that's a three minute walk to the Yonge subway that wouldn't have caused any shadow issues, view corridor impacts etc. Huge thumbs down for this disappointing project.
I was really hoping against all odds that this plan would change or evolve, sadly not. This an enormous waste of prime downtown land that's a three minute walk to the Yonge subway that wouldn't have caused any shadow issues, view corridor impacts etc. Huge thumbs down for this disappointing project.

I completely agree - I cannot believe in such a prime site with no heritage buildings or shadowing effects, someone would choose to only build a 9/10 storey complex! That should be the size/height of the podium alone (which would be awesome) and two tall towers could be built on top of it (like maple leaf square). I contacted Morguard for more information on this but as usual, I did not hear back. Who can we still talk to about this (even if it's too late)???
I have heard that Morguard has sold the property (11 Wellesley W) behind 925, 909 Bay. Would anyone else have details on who the buyer was?
Looking for more gossip on this one, this is probably one of the larger lots left untouched in the core.
I have heard that Morguard has sold the property (11 Wellesley W) behind 925, 909 Bay. Would anyone else have details on who the buyer was?
Looking for more gossip on this one, this is probably one of the larger lots left untouched in the core.

This is good news. I am sure that the new owner - whoever it is - will not be looking to build a modest 10 Story building. This site could easily support a tower on the scale of Aura. Ideally any new project would incorporate the properties fronting on Yonge.
Fantastic news. I was just thinking about this property last week when I was walking by it and dreamed of something appropriate happening here but felt sadly resigned to what was planned. Hopefully now it will be utilized properly.
Great news, not only because 10 storeys would be a total joke here, but because the previous Opera Place phases leave a lot to be desired, to say the least. Good riddance to Morguard, I say. Let's hope a firm like Cityzen or Great Gulf picked this one up.
Great news, not only because 10 storeys would be a total joke here, but because the previous Opera Place phases leave a lot to be desired, to say the least. Good riddance to Morguard, I say. Let's hope a firm like Cityzen or Great Gulf picked this one up.

I couldn't agree more, two earth shattering, head-turning high-rises from Cityzen or Great Gulf to make up for the surrounding mediocrity would be a dream come true for this area.
To be fair, the first two buildings were built by Goldlist in the late 90's, the The Bay Club rental at the S/E corner of Wellesley & Bay was built by Morguard around 2006.
ORC has been in negotiations with Morgaurd for the property with the province conducting a needs assessment for the community in terms of what opportunities for public use may be applicable for 11 Wellesley. I don't have details as to whether or not ORC ultimately was the buyer.
what opportunities for public use may be applicable for 11 Wellesley

I'm pretty sure I said it earlier in the thread, but this neighbourhood could really use some multi-purpose public park space here especially with thousands of people moving in here the past couple of years (and more with Burano, U Condo, Five, etc). This land could also house a parking lot underneath as a moneymaker.

Although I presume if the province was/is looking at it, it would be office space, which would help balance the influx of condos along Bay Street.
I presume if the province was/is looking at it, it would be office space, which would help balance the influx of condos along Bay Street.

Why would they look for office space when they have 880 Bay st. in the works...God help us if McGuinty and his cronies get their hands here, nothing much will happen.:mad:
