Toronto Waterscapes | ?m | 30s | Biddington | Graziani + Corazza

Almost like the ones I took today. Got photos for the other sites as well. My first chance in 6 months to get them, but more so since I return home in September.

As for retail for Nautilus, most of them don't comply with the ODA requirements.

Door bottoms are a foot+ above grade with floor over 6 feet below grade and there is no ramp for them. They were putting in metal stud framing about 5 feet tall on the floor and assuming a deck of some sort will be built on top of it.

Saw no sign of anyone taking space yet and likely due to the floor and door issues. It took time to get retail in the other buildings.

There is also a hydro issue, as there is a power trailer on site powering the building with notices on the windows for an address for Toronto Hydro.
Feb 2.








This building looks massive and the first few floors look very tall. Does anybody know if this building will have retail and will it be along the side that faces the water? I like the fact that it will be round and look different from every other boxy building there.
There's definitely retail coming to the east side facing the square, maybe the south side facing the lake too, but I'm not certain of that.

While this image doesn't answer the question definitively, this model shot indicates that a 'retail-type-treatment' is indeed coming to the south side.


Image c/o Solaris
I know that the entire east side facing the village court will be retail, but the south side I'm not exactly sure of.

I think some will be retail, but it will also have the condo's lobby and a few townhouses. I find it upsetting that more retail isn't coming to Marine Parade. That street deserves to be animated.

I hope they put a fountain in the village court though!
I know one spot for retail will be the south west corner unit on the ground floor. The townhouses will be on the west side, right after that retail spot.
^^ Re: intentional misspellings

Based on the rendings, it looks more like Waterscraps.

Was rending an intentional misspelling too?

Anyway, this one is definitely not Water'scraps' as it is smack on the water. Nautilus got its views compromised by this one.
Today: Sorry about the blur, the wind was unbelievable. The evidence is in the photo, notice the whitecap waves and all cranes pointing away from the water? The lens hood reacts to wind gusts like a rigid parachute.

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