Toronto Velocity at the Square | 122.52m | 40s | HNR | P + S / IBI

Scaffolding on the smaller historic building started to come down today (just as it starts to go up on the larger one), and they painted the non-brick portions of the facade a sort of historic dark green. The closest comparison I can think of to compare to is the boarded up windows on the abandoned buildings across the street from the Distillery. It looks good, I'll snap a pic tomorrow.

excavation is also progressing, but it seems to be moving rather slowly. they are maybe 2 levels down right now, but have been digging since at least September.
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This was taken on Monday:

Not wanting to sound negative, but imagine for a moment this project doesn't get built.

Wouldn't that be great?
Wait, is that building along Dundas Square part of this development?! I know I sound a bit behind, but will the floors be units and the Dundas Square entrance to the condos?
yes, interchange confirmed earlier, this will most likely be a solely residential building, likely rentals as well. I believe ground floor retail as well. No additional office (or hotel) use is being added.
The new portion will be residential rental units. The existing buildings will retain 8,150 square metres (or 87,725 sq ft) of office space.

