Toronto Velocity at the Square | 122.52m | 40s | HNR | P + S / IBI

is it too much to ask that they build a bit taller here? something 150m would be crazy in enclosing the square into a more claustrophobic-times-square-esque space.

Yonge dundas square dies to the east and to the south.
is it too much to ask that they build a bit taller here?

Yonge dundas square dies to the east and to the south.

My one concern with the present design is that it may cast shadows over too much of the square during the morning.

As for enlivening the square's E and S sides, I think building smartly on the old Hakim location will help, as will the future densification of Dundas, Bond and Victoria streets.
My one concern with the present design is that it may cast shadows over too much of the square during the morning.

As for enlivening the square's E and S sides, I think building smartly on the old Hakim location will help, as will the future densification of Dundas, Bond and Victoria streets.

The Hakim (and the associated parking lot), and the parking lot right beside the City TV studio I think are the two most important redevelopment pieces for Dundas Square. Even if it's a modest 20-30 storeys (although I think it should be more), it would be an improvement.
My one concern with the present design is that it may cast shadows over too much of the square during the morning.

It should be an ideal place for a tall building but I agree, if it's too high it will affect the Square's sunlight throughout the year in the late morning/early afternoon.
It should be an ideal place for a tall building but I agree, if it's too high it will affect the Square's sunlight throughout the year in the late morning/early afternoon.

This is an appropriate location for height density and it's pretty simple to ensure that new buildings don't cast darkness over the square. Have buildings' widest side face East/West and remain narrow in the direction of North/South.
A link to the database entry (if one exists) would be amazing. :)

Sorry, none yet. We'll get on it once this project has progressed a bit more.

Sorry I just saw Edward Skira's great news article on this project but it's really hard for me to wade through dozens of messages... is this project a go and will they be tearing down the old 6-(or so)- storey brown brick building that's on Victoria St.?

My concern with tearing these things down is that we don't ever seem to get replacement above-ground-storey commercial space that's AFFORDABLE when the new building goes up. When there are empty lots that could be filled in, though not as profitably and therefore not desirable for developers. That's my impression. Thoughts?
Re-posted from earlier in this thread. Took a grand total of 45 seconds to find it.


Those 2 narrow north facing blank walls are perfect for backlit ads or billboards facing Dundas Square. Ads on various surrounding buildings including on top of 277 Victoria Street (NE corner of Square) would go a long way to further creating more of that intimate big city times square type feeling.
In that vein, it's funny how what was once derided on UT is that which now some see as an asset:


Brilliant .gif c/o MetroMan circa 2008
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I'm not hating it as much as I used to (my standards for Toronto have gone way down in the past year - no idea why). A more tasteful solution than billboards for the blank precast walls would be an LED installation in the style of the CN Tower.
Not sure how anyone sees this thing as "ugly". It's simple and plain, and--gasp-- it's not clad entirely in glass!-- but it's far from ugly.

I wish it had a little more intricacy and interest, but just because it is a bit boring doesn't make it "ugly". It's inoffensive, not offensive.
