Brampton UPtowns at Heart Lake | ?m | 4s | VANDYK

Sigh.. I have high hopes for this place.. I’m also worried about levy fees! As a first time purchaser I didn’t have the foresight to ask for a maximum amount in my contract, and I’ve seen some pretty scary figures for some new builds over on Reddit, upwards of $20,000… that’s not chump change haha
@Mu2 When is your tentative occupancy date? With the number of times they have pushed out the date, I am not expectant that they would meet up with May 2022 considering that construction just started in January
I got the same notice too, my building is the second one , let's see what happens next.
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I got the same notice too, my building is the second one , let's see what happens next.
This has me wondering, will the buildings be built one by one, or all at the same time? My condo is in the first building, does this mean I’ll be getting my unit sooner than others?
This has me wondering, will the buildings be built one by one, or all at the same time? My condo is in the first building, does this mean I’ll be getting my unit sooner than others?
I think the first 3 will start together(Phase1) , per one of the guys working there, lets hope they finish 2022/23
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Just checked it out this morning, seems busy busy, but instead of digging for the parking garage it seems like the mounds of whatever that are there, are even larger..! Also looks like sewers and water main (not sure if this is correct terminology) are starting to go in from the existing neighborhood next door!
Progress little by little. They are also preparing for Final release this fall. Curious to see what the new pricing will look like considering the hot housing market.
Progress little by little. They are also preparing for Final release this fall. Curious to see what the new pricing will look like considering the hot housing market.
They still have final release? Thought fully sold out?
They still have final release? Thought fully sold out?
Thought so too. I remember their website stated 90% sold for a long time. If you check the website right now they have updated it to register your interest for final release in fall. When I bought mine in 2018 I was told that's the final
Thought so too. I remember their website stated 90% sold for a long time. If you check the website right now they have updated it to register your interest for final release in fall. When I bought mine in 2018 I was told that's the final
Are u referring to the Vandyk Properties website? I couldn't find it ? Send me the-link pls., Thx
The new prices will be crazy!! I was monitoring sales this past 4 mths one bedroom almost same as Uptown's was selling for $499k .. So shocking but great for us..
How are they going to drop a phase 2? 3? when phase one is already a year late with completion no where in sight.. lmao.. ‘bout to riot, I swear!
