Toronto Union Station Revitalization | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto | NORR

So which space is the Belgian art project going into?


I noticed a couple things that happened in the Front Street Promenade.
1: The unoccupied unit next to the existing security office got a fancy window covering and a sign saying Toronto Security, maybe they’re relocating? I hope so!

2: the unoccupied retail location between the two hallways in the Promenade got some doors, I think this happened recently:

(Sorry for the bad photos, I had to downgrade phones and this is the result of that)

Well, this must be the City's version of GWB's "Mission Accomplished".

The interior is definitely not what I expected it to look like

Its a very 'cool' colour palette; doesn't give you 'bakery' vibes, or homey nostalgia. Of course Cinnabon didn't really do that either.
