Toronto Union Station Revitalization | ?m | ?s | City of Toronto | NORR

York East Moat/Teamway. September 17, 2015.


Looking east from the York Street Moat at the access into the new retail area on concourse level. Work here is progressing fast towards completion with doors now installed and the exterior relatively sealed to the elements.

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Looking east from the York Street Moat at the access into the new retail area on concourse level. Work here is progressing fast towards completion with doors now installed and the exterior relatively sealed to the elements.

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Looking east from the York Street Moat at the access into the new retail area on the concourse level. Work here is progressing fast towards completion with doors now installed and the exterior relatively sealed to the elements.


Looking east from the York East Teamway at staircase down to new retail level. The York Concourse is suffering from serious enough leaks that this "drip catch" (wood frame & orange tarp) has been installed underneath an expansion joint.


Looking north from the Bay South Connector at another "drip catch" in the new Bay Concourse area.


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Hypothetical "next phase"...

PROPOSED NEXT PHASE -- Concourse/Moat Level (-1)

Purple Circle: Public retail area that is structurally and mechanically complete. This will hold the future GO offices for the Bay Concourse, <strike>in the immediate future I would wonder if it could be used to provide a "temporary" concourse of sorts (think of it like an expansion of Bay South) until the Bay Concourse proper is complete</strike> (EDIT: I no longer believe this possible as it is my understanding the tracks above this area are reserved for VIA.). This area could potentially open in "next phase" if pushed for completion.
Blue Circle: The Blue Route ramps need to be demolished and the new slab poured for this area.
Red Arrows: The red arrows indicate the "fault" between areas that are currently shored (SEP-2015) and those that have already been underpinned. This fault is currently visible to pedestrians when crossing between the area under the Great Hall and the hoarding in what is left of Bay Concourse. Just before you cross the threshold between the two areas, look at the ground, the grey-painted-plywood is covering the "joint" between the two slabs.

Proposed NEXT PHASE -- Retail/PATH/TTC Level (-2)

Purple Circle: Public retail area that is structurally and mechanically complete. This area specifically (under the York GO concourse) is where the Osmington retail maps place the majority of the "food court" type outlets. Structure is 98% to 100% complete. Slab is 98% to 100% complete. Mechanical/electrical/plumbing/HVAC fit out 70% to 85% complete. This area could potentially open in "next phase" if pushed for completion.
Orange Circles: Service areas and loading docks that are reported to be complete and operational. This area has been turned over to the city and looks 100% complete. Signs are posted at the entrances to these areas from the construction zones stating: "NO TRESPASSING: CONSTRUCTION PERSONNEL NOT PERMITTED BEYOND THIS POINT."
Red Arrows: The red arrows indicate the "fault" between areas that are currently shored (SEP-2015) and those that have already been underpinned. This fault is currently visible to pedestrians when crossing between the area under the great hall and the hoarding in what is left of Bay Concourse. Just before you cross the threshold between the two areas, look at the ground, the grey-painted-plywood is covering the "joint" between the two slabs.
Temp. Cxn.: There is/will be required a hoarding underneath the Blue Route to connect two operational service areas for the remainder of construction. The main focus here is believe it or not is the in-station garbage/janitorial collection (inbound) and deliveries to the station (outbound). There is quite a lot of service traffic generated by the loading docks now being open.

NOTE: The above graphics are just me thinking out loud. This is not confirmed, nor official, but rather simply my analysis of the information currently available to the public.


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There are 124,875 francophones (2011 numbers) in the GTA. That may be a fairly low percentage, but in terms of sheer numbers it's actually one of the most French areas of the province. Also, with Toronto being the capital it makes a fair deal of sense to have it designated.
Designation based on total, not %.

It's actually both.

From the Ontario French Languages Services Act:

In order for an area to be eligible for designation, it must meet one of the following conditions:​
    • Francophones must make up at least 10% of the local population (including municipalities, counties, districts, towns and townships); or,
    • The number of Francophones must exceed 5,000 in urban centres.
Brampton, Mississauga, and Hamilton, all within GO's service area, are similarly designated as they all have populations with at least 5,000 Francophones.
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