Toronto Union Pearson Express | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx | MMM Group Limited

Weston UP station is really nice, too bad people aren't using it. It's also a shame that none of the GO stations, even the most important ones, have the same quality of architecture.







You are joking right? And why is there even a stop at Weston and Lawrence?
I agree that they shouldn't have built a station here in the first place, but what is it I said that you disagree with?
that it looks nice. I was studying the photos and really could not tell if you were joking or not and or basically if I liked what I saw
I agree that they shouldn't have built a station here in the first place, but what is it I said that you disagree with?
Why shouldn't a station be built there when there was one there before to the north and smaller??

If you are talking about an UPX station, I would agree there shouldn't be one at Bloor as well since ridership will be less than a few 100 a day at best for both stations. They are there as a saw off in opposition to the line which I don't support. It should be 100% a GO service with DMU/EMU equipment and would attract a lot more riders than today.

The station is almost what was proposed during the master plan process. The plaza and the fare station didn't turn out as proposed, as well no elect plug in for cars.
I'd agree that the Weston station are is very well done. It's small scale, but prominent and with good access to/from the street. It should be a model for many future suburban stations.

My wife got to explore the area, while she waited to transfer from the UPX to a GO Train, coming back to Kitchener.
If you are talking about an UPX station, I would agree there shouldn't be one at Bloor as well since ridership will be less than a few 100 a day at best for both stations. They are there as a saw off in opposition to the line which I don't support.

Weston UP stop was definitely in response to one of the opposition points from the area....but wasn't Bloor always planned to have a stop? My understanding is that the stop at Bloor was to provide a connection between line 2 and the airport express train.....similarly, when Crosstown is complete it too would have a connecting station/stop to the airport express. Weston, uniquely, is a stop that is not connected to a rapid transit line and is, likely, too close to the airport to provide any meaningful value to people in the area trying to get to the airport.
Weston UP stop was definitely in response to one of the opposition points from the area....but wasn't Bloor always planned to have a stop? My understanding is that the stop at Bloor was to provide a connection between line 2 and the airport express train.....similarly, when Crosstown is complete it too would have a connecting station/stop to the airport express. Weston, uniquely, is a stop that is not connected to a rapid transit line and is, likely, too close to the airport to provide any meaningful value to people in the area trying to get to the airport.

Bloor was always planned.

I would expect the stop at Weston to move to Mount Dennis once the Crosstown LRT opens up - if, and this is a big if - UP Express still operates according to its current model.

The 52A is a direct bus to the airport from Weston/Lawrence. It's a bit slow, but it's available.
Weston UP stop was definitely in response to one of the opposition points from the area....but wasn't Bloor always planned to have a stop? My understanding is that the stop at Bloor was to provide a connection between line 2 and the airport express train.....similarly, when Crosstown is complete it too would have a connecting station/stop to the airport express. Weston, uniquely, is a stop that is not connected to a rapid transit line and is, likely, too close to the airport to provide any meaningful value to people in the area trying to get to the airport.

Agreed, the Bloor stop is key. It's a small percentage, yes, but for a lot of Line 2 riders, it would be 100% pointless to take the UPX if they had to go all the way to union as opposed to getting off at Dundas West.

Eglinton I have more mixed feelings about. In the beginning I'm fully in support of it for the same reasons as Bloor, i.e. Crosstown riders will want a local connection, not to go all the way to Weston or Bloor (they'd likely just take a bus or a cab instead); HOWEVER once the ECLRT is extended to the airport I can't imagine anybody getting off the LRT to take the UPX at a much higher fare when they could just stay on the LRT and be at the airport almost as quickly (once you factor in transfer time of up to 15min for the UPX, and any walking necessary at that interchange). I'm one of the bigger proponents of the UPX that I know of so far, I absolutely love riding it and use it at least once a month either for the full length or for a fast trip to/from Dundas West, but even I can't imagine myself getting off the LRT for it so close to the airport if the LRT also ends up going that far.
If UPX becomes integrated into GO fares I think usage from Bloor will rise substantially. Not sure what short of marching people to the UPX and paying them to get on would create a Weston-Pearson crowd.

As a daily Weston GO rider, there are always at least 40 people that get on and off of the GO train in the morning and evening. I think they (and me) would happily pay my $5.09 on UPX.
If UPX becomes integrated into GO fares I think usage from Bloor will rise substantially. Not sure what short of marching people to the UPX and paying them to get on would create a Weston-Pearson crowd.

As a daily Weston GO rider, there are always at least 40 people that get on and off of the GO train in the morning and evening. I think they (and me) would happily pay my $5.09 on UPX.

I don't think dowlingm was doubting there was Weston-Union traffic.......but he was wondering what it would take to encourage Weston-Pearson use.
As a daily Weston GO rider, there are always at least 40 people that get on and off of the GO train in the morning and evening. I think they (and me) would happily pay my $5.09 on UPX.

Moving Weston's GO riders onto UPX makes less sense now that GO has ramped up service. It would push the ridership numbers up, yes, but I'm not sure what that accomplishes other than looking good.

Terminating this UPX stop and saving the two minutes' delay makes more sense. I wonder if a stop in the Liberty area might have a market - just because of the number of people living within walking distance. I doubt many people around Liberty backtrack to Union, it would be faster just to grab a cab directly to the airport.

I do observe a fair number of people boarding or alighting at Bloor.

- Paul
HOWEVER once the ECLRT is extended to the airport I can't imagine anybody getting off the LRT to take the UPX at a much higher fare when they could just stay on the LRT and be at the airport almost as quickly (once you factor in transfer time of up to 15min for the UPX, and any walking necessary at that interchange). I'm one of the bigger proponents of the UPX that I know of so far, I absolutely love riding it and use it at least once a month either for the full length or for a fast trip to/from Dundas West, but even I can't imagine myself getting off the LRT for it so close to the airport if the LRT also ends up going that far.
That is at least 10 years beyond opening of the Crosstown. I'd say that an interchange station with the UPX is entirely warranted for an at-minimum 10 year stop-gap measure.
Agreed, the Bloor stop is key. It's a small percentage, yes, but for a lot of Line 2 riders, it would be 100% pointless to take the UPX if they had to go all the way to union as opposed to getting off at Dundas West.

Eglinton I have more mixed feelings about. In the beginning I'm fully in support of it for the same reasons as Bloor, i.e. Crosstown riders will want a local connection, not to go all the way to Weston or Bloor (they'd likely just take a bus or a cab instead); HOWEVER once the ECLRT is extended to the airport I can't imagine anybody getting off the LRT to take the UPX at a much higher fare when they could just stay on the LRT and be at the airport almost as quickly (once you factor in transfer time of up to 15min for the UPX, and any walking necessary at that interchange). I'm one of the bigger proponents of the UPX that I know of so far, I absolutely love riding it and use it at least once a month either for the full length or for a fast trip to/from Dundas West, but even I can't imagine myself getting off the LRT for it so close to the airport if the LRT also ends up going that far.

Yeah but Eglinton LRT extension to airport doesn't look like it'll happen any time soon.
