Be informed by ELECTION DAY JANUARY 23rd 2006. Get out and VOTE FOR YOUR COMMUNITY.
Monday January 16th 7:30 p.m. � 9:30 p.m. (doors open at 6:30)
Weston Collegiate Auditorium, 100 Pine St.
Guests Include:
Maria De Angelis-Pater * Green Paul Ferriera * New Democrat
Stephen Halicki * Conservative Alan Tonks * Liberal
Join us to hear from all the candidates to understand their position on important issues like the Air-Rail Link, and revitalization of Weston.
Working Together to Strengthen our Communities Co- Sponsored by the Weston Community Coalition and
Elizabeth Hill � Trustee Board of Education
Update on Air-Rail Link Issue � From the Weston Community Coalition
Background to the proposed Pearson-Union Station link:
* 1998: When the provincial government stopped the proposed Eglinton subway, the City of Toronto requested Federal assistance to build a TTC subway extension along the rail line through Weston as a �rapid transit� link to the airport. The federal government created instead a P3 (Public-Private Partnership) Air-Rail Link proposal, promising that it would not cost a nickel of taxpayer money. Federal government studies suggested that the private sector could invest $315 Million for infrastructure and still realize a profit. Four companies expressed interest. Of the four, only one firm placed a final bid (SNC Lavalin)
* 2003: The federal government reassigned the bulk of the $315 Million infrastructure cost of the ARL as GO Transit �improvements� to be paid with tax dollars. Under this new arrangement, two private companies will benefit (CN will own the tracks and lease them back to GO and SNC). SNC Lavalin will pay only for a small piece of track by the airport, 50 year-old Budd railcars, and lounges at the airport and Union Station. SNC will have at least a 56 year right to run the trains. GO has admitted that it doesn�t need to close any roads, build a new bridge over the Humber, install a third set of rails, etc., all of which are necessary to run the private ARL.
* 2005: the Citizens of Weston collectively managed to force a Full Environmental Assessment for the proposed GO Transit expansion and Pearson-Union Station link and the Weston Community Coalition (WCC) is formed. While the assessment has yet to begin, GO Transit has chosen a new consulting firm, and has promised that the Coalition will participate in all phases of this assessment.
* At the suggestion of our MP, Mr. Tonks, the WCC wrote to the provincial and federal ministers of Transport but has received no reply. Last month, Councillor Nunziata passed a motion through city Council that the city re-state its request for assistance from the Federal and Provincial Governments to build a subway to the airport.
* Our MPP, Joe Cordiano, has stated his opposition to the ARL project and suggested that Citizens, rather than the government, put a stop to the public funding of a disruptive private enterprise through participation in the Environmental Assessment.
* Mayor Miller has publicly stated his support for the Air Rail Link, but undertook to study our subway suggestion as a city-building exercise. The northwest quadrant of the city has no rapid transit systems, and has recently been plagued by gun violence. We believe true transit investment is a good part of raising standards of living and reducing poverty and can be substantially financed by government monies already allotted to the private ARL. Details of our subway proposal are on the reverse.
* The WCC as a participant in the full Environmental Assessment needs to access expert witnesses on matters such as noise, vibration, diesel pollution, etc. While the Harris government removed the rights of individuals or groups such as ours to �participant funding�, funds are available at the minister�s discretion for Federal Environmental Assessments such as this one. We have asked Mr. Tonks to request his cabinet colleague, Mr. Lapierre, that we have this funding. We have not had a response.
* The WCC has also requested under Access to Information Legislation, any and all studies and documents related to the Air Rail Link. The Federal Department of Transport has advised that it will cost us $3000 merely to look through their files (300 hours of searching, they say). There is no guarantee that we will get the release of any documents. We do not have that kind of money. Mr. Tonks office has been unsuccessful in getting any other access to these documents.
We have kept citizens informed of our activities through e-mail bulletins and on our website: . You can sign up for e-mail and write to us from that site.
Members of the Coalition will be available to update you on the subway proposal and the Air-Rail Link at the above meeting. *NO BLUE 22* T-Shirts and *I love WESTON* buttons will be available.