Senior Member
So is this project officially another casualty of Toronto's big tradition of thinking small?
Exactly so.
Hume had an article today saying Torontonians are so used to saying no as the default answer to any major change nowadays, to the extent that a 7 story condo on Ossington faces strong opposition.
This along with 1 Yonge and Mirvish towers are probably the best that could happen to Toronto for a very very long time, yet we are saying no to them one by one, or at least request reduction, just because we miss some warehouse (which is supposed to define Toronto's history), or may cast some shadow over a church or a park (sure, no buildings downtown cast shadows).
A Loblaws on college? No. - small retailers might not survive.
Porter expansion? No. - waterfront residents don't like noise/pollution.
Retail on Bathurst north of Queen? no. Buthurst is so beautiful and vibrant, why change? We need to maintain identity.
No wonder the FCP remains the unchallenged no 1 building for almost 40 years, because apparently, anything taller doesn't make any sense.