Great use of quality materials, but not so hot about the slightly fortress-y feel of the Queens Park Crescent street level.
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Great use of quality materials, but not so hot about the slightly fortress-y feel of the Queens Park Crescent street level.
Great use of quality materials, but not so hot about the slightly fortress-y feel of the Queens Park Crescent street level.
Great use of quality materials, but not so hot about the slightly fortress-y feel of the Queens Park Crescent street level.
is that... an asphalt path? why isn't it brick-lain like the rest of U of T's pathways?
And what on earth is going on with the surface under the overhang... I was envisioning something like flagstone with patio seating for some reason. What they've put there looks like something you'd find under the Gardiner Expressway and I suspect it's going to reek of urine very quickly from the nightly frequenters of Queen's Park.