Well, for starters, I don't know what you would call that stretch of Bay, except "concrete." What do you call a procession of recessed condo foyers and convenience stores? It's something of a void.
I had it in my little mind that a diversity of uses and scales was a good thing. Now, putting a 50-something storey condo in the middle of a lowrise neighborhood is jarring and disruptive. But putting a row of townhouses that have actual, honest-to-god frontages - front doors, imagine! - on a stretch of godawful towers could provide Bay with the tiniest, desperately needed touch of character.
I don't think the scale of the condos is appropriate for St. Mike's, at all, much as I bemoan what's happened to Charles St., by my dear old Victoria. I think it will be disruptive to the majesty of its church and the public character of its grounds. But if they need to sell the farm, then I won't fault them for doing something nice for Bay while they're at it.