Developer: SmartCentres REIT, CentreCourt
Address: 185 Millway Ave, Vaughan
Category: Residential (Market-Rate Rental, Condo), Public Space / Park
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2023
Height: 572 ft / 174.34 mStoreys: 50 storeys
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Vaughan Transit City Condos: TC4 & TC5 | 174.34m | 50s | SmartCentres | Diamond Schmitt

From today. Got a tour of some of the rental units. Very nicely furnished, and none of those wonky layouts you see downtown. Prices are slightly better than downtown prices, though there are no studios, which ultimately brings up the price. The gym, shared between the 3 buildings is incredible. I didn't get any pictures on my tour, but if you're in the area, I recommend taking a look at the space.

Land use planning is my passion.
I definitely get the hesitation with VMC on that front being in the middle of an industrial park, but I'm actually pretty hopeful about the whole project once it starts to come together a bit more. Still a while to go for that, of course.. but I can see it now. I too struggled in the early days of the whole experiment. It's definitely not looking like it's fated to become a repeat of Mississauga City Centre, primarily because it's centred on a subway station instead of a shopping mall.
