Developer: Menkes Developments, Core Development Group
Address: 33 Sherbourne St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 1
Height: 427 ft / 130.00 mStoreys: 39 storeys
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Toronto The Whitfield | 130m | 39s | Menkes | Giannone Petricone

Love the curves, and the cladding so far has an interesting texture, but what happened to the red? Are they going to paint the white cladding above the first floor? the meantime, that cladding does look neat!
There is no incentive for Menkes to care about maintenance in the long term. They categorically don’t care and put that in the “let the purchasers deal with those issues” column. (This goes for almost all condo development.)
