Here's the're right...but.....
It was a local resident in opposition who really led the charge and mobilized her neighbours to oppose the pedestrianization.
If it were only the merchants, (who were divided on this point, by the way); it probably would have passed.
I think the opposition here was completely and utterly incomprehensible. Including a few people who absolutely knew they were making misleading statements when they deputed...... sigh.
That ship has sailed for the time being.
I think there will be some other opportunities, but Ossington won't be're not getting this done on a TTC surface route in the near-term, with two possible exceptions.
Spots that may provide opportunities:
1) King Street, I think a couple of blocks, in the vicinity of John are very plausible. It would serve the interests of the theatres, restaurant row, TIFF and the TTC.
2) Scott Street from Esplanade to Front
3) Additional portion of U of T's St. George campus - Willcocks is already planned, but I think both St. Mike's and Victoria would like at least one pedestrian space on the east side of Queen's Park.
4) One street in the immediate proximity of George Brown's main building. Likely George Street, though private resident vehicle access for the abutting condo would have to be accommodated.
5) Queen from Bay to Yonge. I actually think the chances of this one are solid. It is and will be closed to cars for the next several years, the amount of pedestrian traffic here is high and sidewalk capacity is inadequate.
There are a few other opportunities too.
We need to look for places where residents and businesses are likely to be on-side to create positive examples that will sway others.