Toronto The Uptown Residences | ?m | 48s | Pemberton | Burka

This buildings have only built most of the podiums so far. Lets be patient and see how they turn out a little further down the line yea?
June 21 Update

Uptown from Bloor Street with Blu in the background. The second photo is the area between Uptown and Blu, unfortunately the similarities in the side cladding can't really be seen because of sun on Uptown and shadow on Blu. I got there at the wrong time.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Thanks for the pics ! the precast they are using here the same as their Park Lake Residences ?
I believe precast on Uptown is more beige-cream whereas the precast on Park Lake is near white
update by Jasonzed at SSC....

June 27 2009 update

once again following Drum118 around ~

Correct me if I am wrong....

Until 1 Bloor gets built, Uptown when finished will be the tallest building in the area except for the Manulife Centre?
Yes this is correct, Uptown will only be 4 metres shorter than 44 Charles (Manulife). However, depending on your definition of the area, the under construction Four Seasons will trump both of those towers once it's complete.
June 30th

6th floor beginning.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Thanks for the pics.

It would be interesting to see how the precast would actually look once they start putting it on.

Is the 6th floor where the amenities and patio will be located ?

With Blu's smaller footprint, it is rising faster.
