Toronto The Uptown Residences | ?m | 48s | Pemberton | Burka

19 May 2009 photo update

Wrong thread, I know, but does anyone know what's happening on Balmuto St.?

I'm guessing they've just closed Balmuto Street off altogether to let construction go into FULL SWING at CrystalBlu + Uptown :)
June 3rd Update

The race is on, and Crystal Blu is ahead. Photos taken from the east side of Yonge Street

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

June 5th Update

From Balmuto Street

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

It's just starting to peek above the storefronts when viewed from the east side of Yonge. CrystalBlu is a bit further ahead, but the next few weeks should be interesting as the two towers both become visible
the precast on this one is a bit disappointing. but i'll have to wait and see it will look when fully clad.
They have precast on both these buildings and they look quite similar, especially the colour. I was quite surprised when I saw it.
Another example of "trying to blend in" style instead rather than "trying to stand out" style.

I'd perfer if buildings were tyring to stand out from surrounding buildings, instead of using the same coloured cladding as buildings built in the 80's.
Another example of "trying to blend in" style instead rather than "trying to stand out" style.

I'd perfer if buildings were tyring to stand out from surrounding buildings, instead of using the same coloured cladding as buildings built in the 80's.
ya i agree but you don't want something to stand out to much. like a pure yellow building or a glass condo in the middle of a historical or old part of a city because you dont want a eyesore. but you also dont want to turn into vancouver and have all the condos look the same. it dosen't matter because uptown is going to look great when its finished.
I noticed this last week too but if you look at the model and rendering we'll have two very different buildings side by side when complete.

both buildings will look very different, no doubt. i just don't like the bland, stucco-looking the cladding that these buildings throw at us.
