Senior Member
I really, really like the colonnade. I hope that part of the design doesn't undergo a Cheapening.
See, I think 505 University is inspired! I do realize that's it's not everyone's idea of beautiful though, and I'm not suggesting that it be copied per se, but I think inspiration can be found in it.
The Downtown Tall Building Guidelines recommend a maximum height of 77 metres to 137 metres (25 storeys to 45 storeys) on University Avenue and a maximum height of 62 metres to 107 metres (20 storeys to 35 storeys) on Dundas Street West. The Guidelines also provide for an additional 30 metres (or ten storeys) on properties at the four corners of a subway stations and where heritage properties are respected. Therefore, the maximum recommended height for this project is 87 metres to 147 metres (35 to 55 storeys). Although the proposed height of the project does meet the 55-storeys requirement, at 184.5 metres, it is taller than the guideline height. Furthermore, the building does not lie within the helicopter flight path for the Hospital for Sick Children.
When the applicant first met with staff, a building of 88 storeys was proposed. Staff were not supportive of this approach as it impacted the view corridor to City Hall when looking north west from the corner of Queen Street West and Bay Street. The revised proposed height of 184.5 metres lies below the silhouette of City Hall and respects the view corridor. Furthermore, because the building is constructed on top of an existing commercial office building, with larger floor to ceiling heights, a certain amount of additional height is to be expected and is consistent with the proposal at 480 University Avenue which was approved at 190 metres. Lastly, the impacts of the height from a sunlight and shadowing perspective are minimal and acceptable. For these reasons, staff support the proposed height of the proposal.
If its not City Hall/NPS, it Queens Park, school playgrounds, etc...it must be a painfull process to get approvals in this city
You think it's a "painful" process for developers in this city because they can't build 88 storeys wherever they please?