Toronto The United BLDG | 184.85m | 54s | Davpart | B+H

Update Feb 14-2024





Anyone know what the budgeted cost vs actual cost for retention was here? Must be nuts.

Photo below is from smaller scope project within Toronto that costed 10 million apparently.

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Anyone know what the budgeted cost vs actual cost for retention was here? Must be nuts.

Photo below is from smaller scope project within Toronto that costed 10 million apparently.

View attachment 545358

I had to go to the wayback machine for this because GIP's portfolio page doesn't seem to be working tonight...

But, they list the contract value at $45 million and looks like that includes everything (demolition, heritage retention, shoring) but excavation which Michael Bros. handled.

That also doesn't speak to any change orders that could drive the price up after the fact.

I had to go to the wayback machine for this because GIP's portfolio page doesn't seem to be working tonight...

But, they list the contract value at $45 million and looks like that includes everything (demolition, heritage retention, shoring) but excavation which Michael Bros. handled.

That also doesn't speak to any change orders that could drive the price up after the fact.

Great find! Anyone from Ellis don on the thread? 😄
It looks kinda New Yorky, I like it

I'm assuming you're using 'New Yorky' to mean 1930's architecture.

210 Dundas is 'Collegiate Gothic-style' while 481 University is 'International Style'. During that era, they were prevalent architectural styles right across North America.

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I'm assuming you're using 'New Yorky' to mean 1930's gothic. It's an architectural style prevalent in that era across North America.
Yeah, It’s more about lower facade, the same as 101 Spadina, I love glass and modern buildings, but we need more like these, they are majestically beautiful :)
