The new rendering is updated in the database. The architect and developer changed from TACT Architecture for Limen Developments to Graziani & Corazza Architect for Tricon Residential. Height changed from 60.30m & 31.80m to 60.56m & 32.60m. The total unit count changed from 375 units to 332 units. Total parking space count reduced from 185 parking to 124 parking.
Renderings are taken from the architectural plan via Site Plan approval:
Guessing an underground leak of somekind. Water main, sewer, just other water infiltration. Not sure what's specifically going on here. Utility markings showed up all over the road, sidewalks, and front yards a few months back, so maybe they're planning for some major dig-up.
Similar sinkhole seems to happen at Dupont and Osler every couple of years.
Don’t have any photos but there has been a lot of movement on this site this week and cranes have arrived. Looking like they might be breaking ground sooner than later
Definitely activity over the last couple of weeks with moving things around, especially on the west side of the Perth Ave. stump and into the school yard. Looked like they were doing stuff with the groundwater test wells.
Busy here over the last few weeks. They're definitely in the "clear trees" and "move piles of dirt around" phases of development.
This morning lots of vehicles, and looks like they're delivering a (small?) crane.