Mississauga The Southlands | ?m | 72s | Camrost-Felcorp | a—A

From Camrost's Instagram:
View attachment 522116
Average Canadian female height is 1.62m, making this...~6.5m clear??? What?

Correct. That's not a unit, it's an amenity space, the double height is welcome & warranted.
I think it’s a double height amenity space halfway up the building.
Correct. That's not a unit, it's an amenity space, the double height is welcome & warranted.
I know it's amenity. Camrost are lying by telling folks they're doing 6m+ clear on that level. Also, as @UtakataNoAnnex notes, that glazing detailing is 100% render fakery.
I think the glass would have to be inset like those big glass windows is over at The One at retail level in order for itself to be sustained that way...likely throwing off the whole design rendered here. So yep, deep fakery!
