Toronto The Modern | ?m | 17s | Empire | DTAH

1 November 2009 photo update

1130AM the locals are out jogging while I'm out looking for good built form. :p


I soon find it, around the corner at East.
Excellent. Good to see this happening finally.
And the more they can do to hide that Tridel tragedy to the south the better!
March 10 2010 update

Excavation Near Complete
Looking back The Modern was a good buy. The entire area is in the process of massive changes. In 5 years time it will be nothing like it was 5 years ago.

I agree, it's a tremendous addition to that neighbourhood.
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Excellent photos, thanks for posting.

Anyone have any idea when this building will complete? I hear they are saying summer 2011 but by the time they actually start construction it will be summer 2010
Summer 2011 is possible. The building is 17 storeys so it won't take long once it hits ground level.

I suspect that it will be a bit later than Summer, 2011. Excavation has not yet been completed - it is still underway. I believe the timeline will go something like this (my guesses), starting from now:

1. Completion of excavation, building footings, install crane - six weeks, to end of April
2. Basement - garage levels, lockers, building services,up to grade etc. four months, May to August
3. Ground Floor - non standard forming - one month, September
4. Second Floor, set up of first of typical floors - one month, October
5. Typical Floors - 2 through 17, four months, November to February 2011
6. Mechanical penthouse and roof structure - building topped off - one month, March 2011
7. Completion of building systems after topping off, electrical, mechanical, life safety required for occupancy, plus complete construction of lower floor suites - minimum six months, more likely to be eight months, in other words, sometime around November 2011.

Just based on observing other buildings being built in Toronto, but that is what I would expect.

AHK, agree with your schedule
my move in date is June 15, 2011
but I guess it will be beginning of 2012
My move in date is the same. This is the first place I have bought so I was trying to get a realistic view of how much time I have left.
Just a reminder that there is a Real Estate forum thread for this project here!

