Toronto The King East | ?m | 15s | Lamb Dev Corp | Core Architects

Slightly off topic, but if we could now only get something going on on the south/west lot on Front/Parliament, where the car wash center currently is.

Back on topic, every time I go by I love this building. Gonna look great when it's done, and I'm looking forward to some night shots with the windows illuminated etc.
Slightly off topic, but if we could now only get something going on on the south/west lot on Front/Parliament, where the car wash center currently is.

Back on topic, every time I go by I love this building. Gonna look great when it's done, and I'm looking forward to some night shots with the windows illuminated etc.

For that parking lot there is a monstrosity planned. If I remember correctly it was 47 floors dual tower not both 47 but yea. I believe sign was on Front Street side of the parking lot and at one time it was rather decrepit sign...
Slightly off topic, but if we could now only get something going on on the south/west lot on Front/Parliament, where the car wash center currently is.

Back on topic, every time I go by I love this building. Gonna look great when it's done, and I'm looking forward to some night shots with the windows illuminated etc.

You are both off topic and off thread! The block south of Front is the First Parliament site and last night City Council agreed to buy it (or swap it) so we may FINALLY see something exciting happening there. Finally the whole of the FP site is back in public hands. (The Province (Ontario Heritage Trust) owns the section at Fronta nd Berkeley where the new interpretive centre is, the City owned the car park between the site and the park and now apparently owns the damned car wash part.
Walked by the site today (will take pics tomorrow). They appear to have poured 2nd concrete floor in the inset and you can clearly see floors 2 and 3 on south side looking complete with paint/drywall. Window panels are up to 13th floor on west side and 12th everywhere else.
Any idea when you think the building will register? Any chance it'll be in 2012 or most likely 2013? Usually buildings take 6 months or so...but I get the feeling this one won't take as long.

Here's a pic from today:

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The renderings show brick on the west wall. Looking at the pictures, it doesn't look like that will be happening. Hope I'm wrong but that would be really unfortunate. So there's 2 1/2 months until occupancy. It's going to be tight.
The renderings show brick on the west wall. Looking at the pictures, it doesn't look like that will be happening. Hope I'm wrong but that would be really unfortunate. So there's 2 1/2 months until occupancy. It's going to be tight.
Yes, it's some sort of "siding" on the west wall but I guess they expect the building next door (Up Country) will sooner or later get developed and the wall will become hidden. (This is similar to what the building on Queen at Jarvis did with their wall that faces Jarvis andoverlooks the (soon-to-be-developed?) garage.)
