Toronto The Ivy | 110.33m | 34s | Tricon | Graziani + Corazza

it's already approved.
The zoning is approved, but not the Site Plan Approval application. The DRP's comments may influence the Planning Department's talks with Tricon, but I'm not sure that Planning can demand significant changes to the exterior design, mostly just encourage them. Anyone know just where Planning's reach ends here?

Technically they can push this out as far as they want. They just have to keep inventing excuses why they've not yet approved. *Great* projects, which already have 'buy in' from the city, can't even influence Planning to approve or even send positive comments if those in the division don't want to.
My favourite part is how the corner glazing units are randomly gold and the justification is "because it was like that in the previous design". No, G&C, just no.
The original design had orange-amber tinted glass (to complement the red brick of the Masonic Hall) on the balcony guard rails, the corner glass of the tower, and other accents throughout the building. The recessed balcony undersides were also to be painted an orange-amber to create subtle streak of colour up the building. There were never any "randomly gold" panels in the original design. Sounds like G&C is jumping on the trendy gold bandwagon without any reason or story behind it.
The projected balconies had upturned concrete ends making them more of a sculpted element, those are also gone.
The amount of spandrel panels and mullions are rather disturbing, and the top few floors looks heavy handed and crude.
It's a shame this building had to go through such a cheapening -- maybe this building has gone rental?
what a disasterous, insulting ''revision". Just when I thought G&C couldn't get worse, they hit a new low. Planning needs to just forget about this project and leave it hanging indefinitely until Tricon fires G&C and hires someone else with actual credentials.
The passing of an age…

and it's been an age since I last ate there, but it was a late night place of choice years ago.

